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Alexander Hamilton papers, 1708-1917

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Speeches and Writings File, 1778-1804 (continued)
Second draft (continued)
Digital content available
[Dec. 13] , "Second Report on the Further Provision Necessary for Establishing Public Credit (Report on a National Bank)"
Digital content available
[Dec.] , An Act to Incorporate the Bank of the United States
Digital content available
[Jan. 28] , "Report on the Establishment of a Mint"
First draft
Digital content available
Second draft
Digital content available
Digital content available
[Feb. 23] , "Report on the Constitutionality of a National Bank," draft and two copies
Digital content available
[Aug.] , Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures prospectus
Digital content available
[Dec. 5] , "Report on the Subject of Manufactures"
First draft
Digital content available
Second draft
Digital content available
Third draft
Digital content available
Fourth draft and outline
Digital content available
[Jan. 23] , "Report on Public Debt and Loans," first and second drafts and an abstract
Digital content available
[Mar. 1-4] , notes on Thomas Jefferson's "Report of Instructions for the Commissioners to Spain"
Digital content available
[May-Aug.] , "The Vindication"
Digital content available
[Aug. 4 and 11] , "An American, Nos. I-II"
Digital content available
[Aug. 19] , "Anti-Defamer"
Digital content available
[Sept. 11] , "Civis to Mercator"
Digital content available
[Sept. 15-Oct. 17] , "Catullus, Nos. 1-2, 4"
Digital content available
[Oct. 15-31] , draft of George Washington's fourth annual address to Congress
Digital content available
[Oct. 30-17 Nov. 17] , "A Plain Honest Man"
Digital content available
[1792-1793] , "View of the Commercial Regulations of France and Great Britain in Reference to the United States"
Digital content available
[1792-1795] , "The Defence, No. I"
Digital content available
"Idea Concerning a Lottery"
Digital content available
"On James Blanchard," includes document dated 1793, Jan. 8 used as part of the evidence
Digital content available
[Mar. 13-15] , "Observer"
Digital content available
[Apr.] , statement on remarks by John F. Mercer
Digital content available
[May 14-16] , "On the Reception of Edmond Charles Genet in Philadelphia"
Digital content available
[May 15] , "Opinion respecting prizes taken by privateers fitted out at Charleston"
Digital content available
[May] , "Defense of the President's Neutrality Proclamation"
Digital content available
[June 29-July 27] , "Pacificus, Nos. I-VII"
Digital content available
BOX 25 REEL 22 [July 8] , case of the Little Sarah (brigantine), opinion and reasons, with Thomas Jefferson's opinion attached
Digital content available
[July 18] , draft of questions submitted to the justices of the Supreme Court
Digital content available
[July 29-30] , proposed rules concerning the arming and equipping of vessels by belligerents in the ports of the United States
Digital content available
[July 31-Aug. 8] , "No Jacobin, Nos. I-III"
Digital content available
[Aug. 2-16] , notes for a letter to Gouverneur Morris
Digital content available
[Aug. 3] , opinion on fitting out of privateers in the ports of the United States
Digital content available
[Aug. 5] , "Philo Pacificus"
Digital content available
[Nov.] , draft for George Washington's fifth annual message to Congress, incomplete
Digital content available
List of French distressed persons
Digital content available
"On the Rise of a War Party," incomplete
Digital content available
[Jan. 6-13] , proposed presidential message to Congress concerning revocation of Edmond Charles Genet's diplomatic status
Digital content available
[Jan. 31-Feb. 7] , "Americus, Nos. I-II"
Digital content available
[Mar.-May] , draft of a proposed message from George Washington to Congress
Digital content available
[Apr. 23] , points to be considered in the instructions to John Jay
Digital content available
[Apr.-May] , suggestions for a commercial treaty
Digital content available
[May 19] , "List of Names From Whence To Take A Minister for France"
Digital content available
[Aug.] , note on the funding system
Digital content available
[Dec.] , "Measures in the War Department Which It May Be Expedient To Adopt"
Digital content available
"The Cause of France"
Digital content available
"The French Revolution"
Digital content available
[Jan. 1] , draft of a proclamation by George Washington, with copy
Digital content available
[circa Jan. 16] , notes for the "Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit"
Digital content available
[July 9-11] , "Remarks on the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation lately made between the United States and Great Britain"
Digital content available
[1795, July 25-1796, Jan. 9] , "The Defence, Nos. II-XXXVIII," by Camillus
Nos. 2-22, [ 1795 July 25-Nov. 5-11]
Digital content available
Nos. 23-38, [1795 Nov. 14-1796, Jan. 9]
Digital content available
[July 27-Aug. 19], "Philo Camillus, Nos. 1, 3-4"
Digital content available
[July] , "The Defence of the Funding System," with notes
Digital content available
[July] , "Horatius, No. II"
Digital content available
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