| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Supplementary File, 1806-1981
(continued) |
Printed Matter, 1866-1969
(continued) |
Tarbell, Ida M.-Traubel, Horace (continued) |
Digital content available
- Tarbell, Ida M.
- Taubkin, I. S.
- Teall, G. C.
- Templeton, W. D.
- Hopkins and Whitman, 1954, Jan.
- On Whitman's Apple-Peelings, 1956, Apr.
- Thayer, W. R.
- Our French Visitors, 1882
- Personal Recollection of Walt Whitman, 1919, June
- Thompson, Maurice
- Thorstenberg, Edward
- Thota, Anand Rao
- Titherington, Richard H.
- Tolles, F. B.
- Toperoff, Sam
- Traubel, Horace
- Few Latter-Day Notes On Walt Whitman, 1896, Jan.
- A fragment of Whitman manuscript, 1904, Mar.
- Lowell-Whitman: A Contrast, 1892, Jan. 15
- Our Own Times, 1906, Aug.
- Talks with Walt Whitman, 1907, July
- W. W. as Pensionee, 1891, July 2
- Walt Whitman at Date, 1891, May
- Walt Whitman at $50 a Volume, 1903, June
BOX 175 |
Traubel, Horace
See also Oversize
(16 folders) |
Digital content available
- Traubel, Horace
- Walt Whitman: Poet and Philosopher and Man, 1891, Mar.
- Walt Whitman: Robert Ingersoll, 1890, Dec.
- Walt Whitman's Artistic Atheism, 1893, Oct.
- Walt Whitman's Birthday, 1891, Aug.
- "Walt Whitman's Last Poem," 1892, July 16
See Oversize
- W. W.s Respect for the Body, 1903, Sept.
- Walt Whitman's Views Appleton's, 1907, Oct.
- Whitman and Murger, 1894, Oct.
- Whitman Fellowship, 1919
- Whitman in Old Age, 1905
- Whitman in Old Age, 1907, Mar.
- Whitman in Old Age, 1907, Apr.
- Whitman in Old Age, 1907, Oct.
- Whitman on His Contemporaries, 1924, July
- Wm. Douglas O'Conner, 1889, Sept. 7
- With W.W. in Camden, 1905, Nov.
BOX 176 |
Traubel, Horace-Trimble, Annie E. |
(15 folders) |
Digital content available
- Traubel, Horace
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1911, Oct.
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1911, Nov.
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1911, Dec.
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1912, Jan.
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1915, July
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1915, Aug.
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1915, Sept.
- Trent, Josiah C.
- Trent, W. P.
- Triggs, Oscar L.
- Browning As Poet of Democracy, 1892, Oct.
- Primary Condition of Understanding Whitman, 1897, Jan.
- Walt Whitman, 1893, June-July
- Trilling, Lionel
- Trimble, Annie E.
- Concordance-Making in New Zealand, 1909, Sept.
- Walt Whitman and Mental Science, 1911
BOX 177 |
Trowbridge, John
Townsend-“Walt Whitman”
See also Oversize
(21 folders) |
Digital content available
- Trowbridge, J. T.
- Trumbull, Jonathan
- Turner, Lorenzo D.
- "Two Opinions of Walt Whitman," Alturia
- Underwood, B. F.
- Untermeyer, L.
- Van Doren, Mark
- Verestchagin, Vassilli
- Vildrac, Charles
- La Leçon De Walt Whitman, 1912, Apr.
- La Leçon De Walt Whitman, 1913
- Von Ende, A.
- W., Walt Whitman--- A Sketch
- C. W., To the Memory of Walt Whitman
- Wallace, J. W.
- Horace Traubel, 1919, Nov.
- Walt Whitman Centennial, 1919, May
- Wall's Etched Monthly
- Walsh, Rev. W.
- "Walt Whitman," Chamber's Journal
- "Walt Whitman,"Daily Graphic
See Oversize
- "Walt Whitman," Illustrated American,
1890, Apr. 19
See Oversize
- "Walt Whitman," Illustrated American,
1892, Jan. 16
BOX 178 |
“Walt Whitman”-Watts, D. G. |
(29 folders) |
Digital content available
- "Walt Whitman," Journalist
- "Walt Whitman," Labour Prophet
- "Walt Whitman," New England Magazine
- "Whitman, Walt," Photographic Times
- "Walt Whitman," Public Employee
- "Whitman, Walt- A German Appreciation in 1868," Bruno's Weekly
- "W. W. - A Biographical Survey," Brooklyn
Public Library
- "Walt Whitman and His Disciples," Fair
- "Walt Whitman and His 'Noblest Women Friend'," Current Opinion
- "Walt Whitman and Joaquin Miller," Academy
- "Walt Whitman and the Critics," Chap-Book
- "Walt Whitman at Home," Critic
pamphlet 2
- "W. W. Competition," Everyman
- "Walt Whitman in War Time," Century
- "Walt Whitman's Ancestry," Literary
- "Walt Whitman's Home," Critic
- "Walt Whitman's Notes of His Western Trip," Biblia
- "Walt Whitman's Specimen Days - Civil War," Old South Leaflets
- "Whitman's Vision of Lincoln Square," Promenade
- "Whitman, Walt, War Letters," Review of
- Warfel, Harry R.
- Collecting W. W, 1961, May
- "Kentucky," -Walt Whitman's Uncompleted Poem
- Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, 1958
- Seminar in Leaves of Grass, 1961
- Walt's Tribute to Lincoln, 1965, May
- Whitman's Structural Principles, 1957, Jan.
- Whitman's Salut Au Monde: The
Ideal of Human Brotherhood, 1958
- Watson, E. H. L.
- Watts, D. G.
BOX 179 |
Weathers, Willie T.-White, William |
(38 folders) |
Digital content available
- Weathers, Willie T.
- "Welcome Visitor at Brotherhood Church," Brotherhood
- Westcott, Ralph W.
- Chanter of Personality, 1905, May
- Sketch of Walt Whitman, 1905, May
- Walt Whitman in Camden, 1952
- Almanac, Western Farms
- Weyde, W. M. Van Der
- Wharton, Edith
- "What's That State," WFLN-Philadelphia
- Wheatley, E. A.
- White, William
- Author at Work: Whitman's Speciman Days, 1966, Sept.
- Hempstead Tragedy, 1961, May
- How to Become Eminent, 1961, July
- "I Am a Born Democrat," 1959, Dec.
- Kentucky, 1958
- Literary Snooping in the Feinberg Collection, 1962,
- Mary Whitall Smith's Letters to Walt Whitman, 1958,
- More About the "Publication" of the first Leaves of Grass, 1957, Jan.
- Morley on Whitman, 1966, May
- "Nationalism", 1963, Jan.
- Tale of Jerusalem, 1963
- Sir Edmund Gosse on Walt Whitman, 1957, Dec.
- Songs and Lyrics-American Type, 1897
- Thousand & One MSS by Walt Whitman, 1962
- An Unpublished Notebook, 1962, Jan.
- W. W.: An Unpublished Autographical Note, 1969
- "Walt Whitman and Lafayette," 1961, Nov.
- W. W. & Sir William Osler, 1939
- W. W. and the Sierra Grande Mining Co., 1969
- Walt Whitman As Newspaperman, 1961, Apr. 17
- W. W. Elegy. An Early Poem, 1962, June
- Walt Whitman Fellowship, 1957, Jan.
- "Walt Whitman: Journalist," 1962
- W. W. On Osler, 1944
- Walt Whitman Poster, 1959, Nov.
- Walt Whitman, the Newspaperman, 1967, Mar.-Apr.
- Walt Whitman to U. S. Grant, 1960
- Walt Whitman's pseudonyms, 1966, Mar.
BOX 180 |
White, William-Whitman, Walt |
(18 folders) |
Digital content available
- White, William
- Walt Whitman's Short Stories, 1958
- What Walt Whitman Wrote About You, 1968, July
- Whitman As a Short Story Writer, 1962, Mar.
- Whitman in Paperback, 1961, May
- Whitman on American Poets, 1963, Sept.
- Whitmaniana, 1961, May
- Whitman's First Literary Letter, 1963, Mar.
- Whitman's Leaves of Grass: Notes on 1889 Edition, 1965
- Whitman's Letters, 1962, Apr.
- Whitman, Charles H.
- Whitman, Walt
- Death's Valley, 1892, Apr.
- Ah, Poverties, 1897, May
- An American Primer, 1904, Apr.
- Eight Poems, 1964
- "A Hoosier Michael Angelo," letter to Nat and Fred Gray,
1958, Feb.
- Lines Written in a Colorado, 1896, June
- "One Wicked Impulse," 1954, Jan.
- Selections, 1912, May
BOX 181 |
Whitman, Walt |
(21 folders) |
Digital content available
- Whitman, Walt
- "Unpublished works," 1948
- "Years of the Modern," 1919, Feb.
- "Whitman" - and - An Impression of Whitman, Atlantic Monthly
- "Whitman as Viewed by Contemporaries," Literary Digest
- Walt Whitman Biography, National Cyclopedia of American
Walt Whitman Birthplace Bulletin
- Walt Whitman Centenary, Bookman
- Walt Whitman Centenary of 1919, Brooklyn Institute of Art &
- Walt Whitman Centenary, Poetry
- Walt Whitman Centenary of 1919, Toronto Public Library
- Whitman, Walt - Centennial, Beloit Poetry Journal
- "Whitman, Criticism," Literary Review
Walt Whitman Foundation Bulletin
- "Walt Whitman Hotel Edition," Chamber of
- Special Walt Whitman Issue, American
- Walt Whitman issue, Long Islander
- Walt Whitman Issue, Nassau Review
- "Whitman to Tenneyson," Cornhill
- "Whitman, Walt," L'Ane D'or
- "Walt Whitman Number," Modern School
- "Walt Whitman Number," Oracle
BOX 182 |
“Whitman's Home”-Yalan-Stekelis, Miriam |
(23 folders) |
Digital content available
- "Whitman's Home," Current Opinion
- "Whitman's Hospital Letters," Time and the
- Wilcock, J.
- Wiley, A. N.
- Willard, C. B.
- Ezra Pound's Appraisal of Walt Whitman, 1957, Jan.
- Ezra Pound's Debt to Walt Whitman, 1957, Oct.
- Willard, Cyrus Field
- Willcox, Louise Collier
- Joyous Mystic, 1911, June
- Walt Whitman, 1906, Aug.
- Williams, R. V.
- Williams, Stanley T.
- Wing, De Witt C.
- Wishengrad, M.
- Wogan, Claudia C.
- Wolfe, Theodore F.
- Bookish Corner of New Jersey, 1900, Jan.
- A Day with the Good Gray Poet, 1895
- Wolff, A.
- Wood, C. E. S.
- Woodward, F. L.
- Wyatt, Edith
- Peace-Lover's War Epic, 1917, June 30
- Whitman & Anne Gilchrist, 1919, Sept.
- Wyllie, J. Cook
- Yalan-Stekelis, Miriam
BOX 183 |
Yorke, Dane |
Digital content available
Zanger, Jules |
Digital content available
Zangwill, I. |
Digital content available
Zembrowski, Rev W. M. |
Digital content available
Zueblin, Charles |
Digital content available
Book catalogs |
Digital content available
Book reviews |
Digital content available
1906-1953, undated
Digital content available
Brochures and pamphlets |
Digital content available
BOX 184 |
Calendars |
Digital content available
Cards and invitations |
Digital content available
Miscellany |
Digital content available
Newspaper clippings,
See also Oversize
Digital content available
1939-1968, undated
Digital content available
Programs |
Digital content available
BOX 184-196 |
Photocopies, 1840-1965
Photocopies of items not included among the collections of the Library of
Congress. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of repository. |
BOX 184 |
American Academy of Arts and Letters, New
York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
Bayard Wyman Collection |
Digital content available
Boston Public Library, Boston,
Mass. |
Digital content available
British Museum, London, England |
Digital content available
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. |
Digital content available
BOX 185 |
Duke University, Durham, N.C. |
Family correspondence |
Heyde, Charles and Hannah |
Digital content available
Whitman, George |
Section 5 #29, 1863-1865
Digital content available
Digital content available
Whitman, Louisa Van Velsor |
Digital content available
Section 5 #30, 1868-1875
Digital content available
Digital content available
Whitman, Thomas Jefferson |
Digital content available
General correspondence |
Bucke, Richard Maurice |
Digital content available
Burroughs, John |
Digital content available
BOX 186 |
Carpenter, Edward
(1844-1929) |
Digital content available
Contemporary Club |
Digital content available
Doyle, Peter |
Digital content available
Edmunds, J. M. |
Digital content available
Eldridge, Charles W. |
Digital content available
Farwell, Reuben |
Digital content available
Harper's Magazine
Digital content available
Kennedy, William Sloane |
Digital content available
McGuire, Mr. |
Digital content available
Miscellany |
Digital content available
Rolleston, T. W. (Thomas
William) |
Digital content available
Russell, LeBaron |
Next Page » |