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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued) | |||||||||||||
“Einige Charaktertypen aus der psychoanalytischen Arbeit” [d], holograph manuscript (continued) | |||||||||||||
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1916-1917 | |||||||||||||
“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse” [a] | |||||||||||||
[“I Teil: Die Fehlleistungen (I-IV)”], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-40 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 41-72 | |||||||||||||
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[“II Teil: Der Traum,” begins “Fünfte Vorlesung”], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-34 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 35-72 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 73-108 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 109-140 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 5, pp. 141-174 | |||||||||||||
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“Neurosenlehre: I. Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie” [“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse: III Teil: Allgemeine Neurosenlehre”], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-28 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 29-68 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 69-108 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 109-140 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 5, pp. 141-174 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 6, pp. 175-214 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 7, pp. 215-251 | |||||||||||||
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1917 | |||||||||||||
“Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Eine Kindheitserinnerung aus Dichtung und Wahrheit” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Über Triebumsetzungen, insbesondere der Analerotik” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Metapsychologische Ergänzung zur Traumlehre” [d], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Trauer und Melancholie” [1915] [e], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1918 | |||||||||||||
“Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens: Das Tabu der Virginität” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 7 REEL 3 | “Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose” [b] [Wolf-Man case], holograph manuscript | ||||||||||||
Folder 1, pp. 1-32 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2, pp. 33-60 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 3, pp. 61-90 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 4, pp. 91-116 | |||||||||||||
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“Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, vierte folge” | |||||||||||||
Original and photocopies of title page and table of contents | |||||||||||||
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Corrected galley proofs, pp. 449-480 (pp. 465-480 are misnumbered as 365-380), 1918, Aug., printed publication | |||||||||||||
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1919 | |||||||||||||
“Wege der psychoanalytischen Therapie” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“James J. Putnam” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Zur psychoanalytischer Bewegung. Internationaler psychoanalytischer Verlag und Preiszuteilungen für psychoanalytische Arbeiten” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Vorwort” [“Einleitung zu Zur Psychoanalyse der Kriegsneurosen”] [d], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Ein Kind wird geschlagen, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Entstehung sexueller Perversionen” [e], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Vorrede” [“Vorrede zu Reik Probleme der Religionpsychologie”] [g], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Das Unheimliche” [h], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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1920 | |||||||||||||
“Über die Psychogenese eines Falles von weiblicher Homosexualität” [a] [Trautenegg case], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Zur Vorgeschichte der analytischen Technik” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Dr. Anton v. Freund” [c], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Gedankenassoziation eines 4 jährigen Kindes” [“Gedan-kenassoziation eines vierjährigen Kindes”] [d], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Vorwort zur vierten Auflage [der Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie]” [e] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Typewritten manuscript with holograph corrections and additions with photocopy and holograph reaction to essay not in Freud's hand | |||||||||||||
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“Jenseits des Lustprinzips” [g] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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Holograph and typewritten manuscript, bound | |||||||||||||
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1921 | |||||||||||||
[“Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse”] [c], photocopies of holograph manuscripts | |||||||||||||
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1922 | |||||||||||||
“Traum und Telepathie” [a], holograph and typewritten manuscripts | |||||||||||||
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“Über einige neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht, Paranoia und Homosexualität” [b], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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BOX OV 8 REEL 4 | “Nachschrift zur Analyse des kleinen Hans” [c], holograph manuscript | ||||||||||||
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“Geleitwort” [“Preface (in French) to Raymond de Saussure's 'La méthode psychoanalytique'”] [e], holograph manuscript with photocopy and typewritten transcript | |||||||||||||
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“Teufelsverschreibung,” original and photocopy of holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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not filmed | “Dream and Telepathy” [a], typewritten English translation by Wilson Vance with corrections not in Freud's hand but signed by him and holograph comments by Freud | ||||||||||||
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1923 | |||||||||||||
“Libido Theorie” [a], holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
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“Das Ich und das Es” [b] | |||||||||||||
Holograph manuscript | |||||||||||||
Folder 1 | |||||||||||||
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Folder 2 | |||||||||||||
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Published copy by Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1923, original (lacks covers and spine) with occasional pencilled notes not in Freud's hand and photocopy | |||||||||||||
Original | |||||||||||||
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Photocopy | |||||||||||||
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