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Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE

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Oversize, 1859-1985 (continued)
“Zur Theorie des hysterischen Anfalles von Dr J. Breuer und Dr Sigm. Freud im Wien” [“With Breuer, Jr, 'Zur Theorie des hysterischen Anfalls'”] [1892] [d], holograph manuscript (continued)
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“Die Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang” [1938] [e], holograph manuscript
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[“Brief an Josef Breuer”], 1892, June 29 [1892] [a], holograph manuscript
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“III” [“Notiz 'III'”] [1892] [b], holograph manuscript
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“Eine erfüllte Traumahnung” [1899] [c], holograph manuscript
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“Vorbericht” [“Psychoanalyse und Telepathie”] [1921] [d]
Holograph manuscript
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Typewritten manuscript with holograph corrections not in Freud's hand
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[“Ansprache an die Mitgleider des Vereins B'Nai B'rith (1926)”] [1926] [e], holograph manuscript
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“Ergebnisse, Ideen, Probleme” [1938] [f], holograph manuscript
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“Psychopathische Personen auf der Bühne” [1905-1906] [a], typewritten transcript and negative photocopy of holograph manuscript
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[“Entwurf einer Psychologie, 1895"] [Part of “Aus den Anfängen der Psychoanalyse,” 1887-1902] [a], holograph mansucript
Folder 1, pp. 1-80
Digital content available
Folder 2, pp. 81-100
Digital content available
[“A letter on Homosexuality”] [1935] [a], photocopy of holograph manuscript
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[“Original Record of the Case of Obsessional Neurosis (the 'Rat Man')”] [1907-1908] [a]
Holograph manuscript
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not filmed German transcript
Digital content available
“Gutachten über eine elektrische Behandlung der Kriegsneurotiker,” 1919-1920 [1920] [c], positive and negative photocopies of holograph manuscript, also transcript and negative photocopy of related background items
Digital content available
“Bericht über meine mit Universität-Jubiläums Reisestipendium unternommene Studienreise nach Paris und Berlin, October 1885-Ende März 1886" [1886] [a], negatives and negative prints of holograph manuscript with holograph transcript not in Freud's hand and typewritten transcript
Negatives and negative prints of holograph manuscript
Digital content available
Holograph transcript not in Freud's hand
Digital content available
Typewritten transcripts
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not filmed 1957
“Traüme im Folklore,” with Ernst Oppenheim [1911] [a], photocopy of holograph manuscript, including unidentified poetry and writings by someone other than Freud
Digital content available
not filmed 1966
[“Introduction to S. Freud and W. C. Bullitt, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Twenty-Eighth President of the United States: A Psychological Study”] [b] [1938], corrected typescript
Digital content available
“Übersicht der Übertragungsneurosen” [1915], photocopy of holograph manuscript
Digital content available
BOX OV 14 REEL 6 Undated
“Abschliessende Bemerkungen,” holograph manuscript
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not filmed [Autobiographical note], holograph manuscript with photocopy
Digital content available
“Bemerkungen zu Otto Rank, 'Der Kunstler',” holograph manuscript with photocopy
Digital content available
“Citate und Analogien,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
Digital content available
[Commentary on an article by Theodor Reik], holograph manuscript
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not filmed “Einige Theoretische Gesichtspunkte zur Paranoia,” photocopy of holograph manuscript with typed transcript
Digital content available
[Jahresbilanz], holograph manuscript with photocopy
Digital content available
“Kriegswitze” [eleven war jokes], holograph manuscript with typed transcript and photocopy
Digital content available
“Meine individuelle Traumcharakteristik (Typische Traüme),” photocopy of holograph manuscript
Digital content available
“My Subconscious Jewishness,” clipping from the Current Jewish Record
Digital content available
[Notes and doodles], negative and positive photocopies of holograph manuscripts
Digital content available
[Notes for a contribution to the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, II, 1914, re: homosexuality and hormones (?)], holograph manuscript with photocopy
Digital content available
[Notes on dreams: absurdity, déjà vu, and principles], holograph manuscripts with photocopies
Digital content available
[Résumé], holograph manuscript
Digital content available
not filmed [Skizze], holograph manuscript with photocopy of typewritten transcript
Digital content available
not filmed [Unidentified fragments], holograph manuscript and typed transcripts
Digital content available
[Unidentified hand and typewritten manuscripts]
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[Unidentified jottings] [“nachlass”], holograph manuscripts
Digital content available
part. filmed [Unidentified notes], holograph and photocopied manuscripts
Folder 1
Digital content available
Folder 2
Digital content available
Folder 3“Verlorene Tendenzen in der Kunst,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
Digital content available
“Verschiedene Stile der indirekten Darstellung,” holograph manuscript with photocopy
Digital content available
“Vortrag,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
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Writing not in Freud's hand concerning the “Kakao” analogy, photocopy of holograph manuscript
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BOX OV 15 Supplemental File
Subject File
Augenfeld, Felix
Floor plan of Freud's London, England, study and sketch of display cabinets, 1973, undated (Container 51)
Centenary of Freud's birth
Exhibit material
Items arranged according to a numeric scheme, 1897-1940, undated (Container 52)
Miscellany, 1931 , 1956-1959 (Container 52)
Photographs and drawings, 1911 (Container 52)
Printed matter, 1921, undated (Container 52)
Freud family history (Container 58)
Family trees by
Freud, Jechiel, 1914
BOX OV 16 Marcer, Roberto C., undated
BOX OV 17 “The Growth of the Psycho-Analytic Movement,” map and chart, undated (Container 60)
BOX OV 18 Hoffman, Paul, program and publicity for his dramatic readings of Freud's writings, 1976 (Container 60)
Pictorial printed matter including calendars, greeting card, postcards, and prints, 1960 , 1965 , undated (Container 136)
BOX OV 19 Additions
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