| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings, 1849-1868
(continued) |
1851, May 30 , Toledo, Ohio (continued) |
Digital content available
1853, Apr. 9 , debate in United States
Senate |
Digital content available
Jan. 19 , Appeal of the Independent Democrats in Congress to the People of the United States
Digital content available
Feb. 3 , "Maintain Plighted Faith,"
speech in United States Senate against repeal of the Missouri
Compromise |
Digital content available
1856, Jan. 14 , inaugural address before
the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives |
Digital content available
1860 , "Galileo," speech delivered before various
groups |
Digital content available
1864, Nov. 12, Mozart Hall, Cincinnati,
Ohio |
Digital content available
1863 , "Going Home to Vote," Authentic Speeches of S.P. Chase...During His Visit to Ohio..., Washington, D.C. |
Digital content available
Writings |
1852, July 15 , "The Radical Democracy of
New York and Independent Democracy," letter to Benjamin F.
Butler |
Digital content available
1853, Nov. 14 , "Politics in Ohio," letter
to A. P. Edgerton |
Digital content available
1868, May 18 , refutation of article, "The
Chase Conspiracy," in Washington Chronicle, draft |
Digital content available
Undated, poem |
Digital content available
BOX 31-33 REEL 28-31 |
Financial Papers, 1774-1873
Account books, bills and receipts, promissory notes, canceled checks, income tax
returns, insurance policies, guardianship and trustee accounts, accounts of law
partnerships, and papers relating to the Reform School of the District of
Columbia. |
Arranged chronologically and by type of material. |
BOX 31 REEL 28 |
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 31 REEL 29 |
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Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 32 REEL 29 |
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Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 32 REEL 30 |
Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 33 REEL 30 |
Digital content available
Digital content available
1873, undated
Digital content available
Checkbook and canceled checks, 1858-1873
Digital content available
Church papers and receipts, 1827-1839
, 1853-1873
Digital content available
Guardian and trustee accounts, 1832-1852
Digital content available
BOX 33 REEL 31 |
Household account books, 1869-1870, undated
Digital content available
Insurance policies, 1865
, 1867
Digital content available
Law partnership accounts, 1849-1853
Digital content available
Personal account books, 1849
, 1864-1873
Digital content available
Reform School of the District of Columbia, 1865-1872
Digital content available
BOX 34 REEL 31-32 |
Legal File, 1755-1872
Abstracts of titles, bonds, deeds, leases, mortgages, powers of attorney, wills,
notes on cases, memoranda, and other papers relating to Chase's law practice; also
his notes on Supreme Court cases and Supreme Court case assignments. |
Arranged by type of material and chronologically therein. |
BOX 34 REEL 31 |
Abstracts of titles, bonds, deeds, leases, and
mortgages |
Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
1864-1869, undated
Digital content available
Clients and cases |
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 34 REEL 32 |
Digital content available
Digital content available
Digital content available
Chase's charge to jury in "Whiskey Frauds"
case |
Digital content available
Chase's notes on Supreme Court cases
(notebook) |
Digital content available
Miscellany |
Digital content available
Papers relating to Chase's law
partnerships |
Digital content available
Printed matter |
Digital content available
Supreme Court |
Digital content available
BOX 35-38 REEL 32-34 |
Miscellany, 1840-1896
Autobiographical, biographical, and genealogical material, awards and
certificates, a commonplace book, drawings, miscellaneous manuscripts, notes and
memoranda, papers relating to Woodward College, printed matter, and a scrapbook of
newspaper clippings. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. |
BOX 35 REEL 32 |
Chase, Salmon P. |
Autobiographical sketches |
Digital content available
Awards, certificates |
Digital content available
Biographical and genealogical
data |
Digital content available
Biography by Edward L. Pierce |
Digital content available
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