The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Grover Cleveland papers, 1743-1945
Some or all content stored offsite.
Series VI: Messages to Congress, 1885-1897 (continued)
Subseries B, 1885-1888 (continued)
Dec. 16-17 (continued)
Digital content available
BOX VI:9 REEL 161 1886
Jan. 5
Digital content available
Feb. 1
Digital content available
Mar. 1
Digital content available
BOX VI:10 REEL 161 Apr. 1-29
Digital content available
May 3-28
Digital content available
June 2-30
Digital content available
Dec. 6-14
(2 folders)
Digital content available
Dec. 15-29
(2 folders)
Digital content available
BOX VI:11 REEL 161 1887
Jan. 5-11
Digital content available
Jan. 12-Feb. 2
Digital content available
Feb. 3-25
Digital content available
Feb. 26-Mar. 3
Digital content available
Dec. 12-13
Digital content available
Dec. 14
(2 folders)
Digital content available
BOX VI:11 REEL 162 1887, Dec. 15-1888, Jan. 4
Digital content available
BOX VI:11 REEL 162 1888
Jan. 9-31
Digital content available
Feb. 1-29
Digital content available
Mar. 5-31
Digital content available
BOX VI:12 REEL 162 May 2-31
Digital content available
June 1-30
Digital content available
July 2-30
Digital content available
Aug. 2
Digital content available
Sept. 4-Oct. 19
Digital content available
BOX VII:12 REEL 162 Series VII: Cleveland Writings, 1884-1907
Manuscripts in Cleveland's handwriting.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX VII:12 REEL 162 1884-1907
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX VIII:12 REEL 162 Series VIII: Richard Watson Gilder, 1908-1909
A poem and notes used by Gilder in writing “Grover Cleveland: A Record of Friendship,” Century Magazine.
BOX VIII:12 REEL 162 Notes, 1908-1909
(4 folders)
Digital content available
Poem, undated
Digital content available
BOX IX:1-IX:4 REEL 163-164 Series IX: Miscellany, 1743-1906
Indexes, biographical material, financial records, tickets, invitations, notes, cards, and papers of Frances Folsom Cleveland.
Arranged into subseries by type of material.
BOX IX:1 REEL 163 Subseries A
Subject index to letters received by Cleveland.
BOX IX:1 REEL 163 Subject index to letters received
(20 folders)
Digital content available
BOX IX:2 REEL 163 Subseries B
Card index (incomplete) of Cleveland's correspondents.
BOX IX:2 REEL 163 Card index of correspondents, incomplete
(19 folders)
Digital content available
BOX IX:3 REEL 163 Subseries C
Biographical material.
BOX IX:3 REEL 163 Biographical material
Digital content available
BOX IX:3 REEL 163 Subseries D
Manuscripts by Frances Folsom Cleveland in French and German, papers concerning her family genealogy, and a roster of Wells College students.
BOX IX:3 REEL 163 Frances Folsom Cleveland
(2 folders)
Digital content available
BOX IX:3 REEL 163-164 Subseries E, 1885-1896
Personal and household bills.
BOX IX:3 REEL 163 Bills and receipts
(17 folders)
Digital content available
REEL 164 1894-1896
Digital content available
BOX IX:3 REEL 164 Subseries F
Miscellaneous notes not written by Cleveland.
BOX IX:3 REEL 164 Miscellaneous notes, 1743-1895
Digital content available
BOX IX:3 REEL 164 Subseries G
Calling cards. Only those inscribed were filmed.
BOX IX:3 REEL 164 Calling cards
Digital content available
BOX IX:3not filmed Subseries H
Tickets and invitations to events to which Cleveland and his wife were invited.
Tickets and invitations
BOX IX:4not filmed Subseries I
Duplicates, checks, a checkbook, and memorabilia.
BOX IX:4not filmed Miscellany, 1893-1906, undated
(6 folders)
BOX X:1-20not filmed Series X: Printed Matter, 1786-1924
Pamphlet file, clippings file, scrapbooks, and an 1897 atlas from the Venezuelan Boundary Commission.
The pamphlet file is arranged chronologically with titles listed. The clippings file is arranged chronologically. The scrapbooks have overlapping dates.
BOX X:1 Pamphlet file
1786, The Case, Trevett against Weeden
1859, History of the Canal Policy of the State of New York by Thomas B. Lord
1862, England, the Cause of This War
1867, The Constitution of the State of Maryland
1868-1882, Republican opinions on the tariff
1871, Jan., An Historical Survey of the First Presbyterian Church by C. T. Berry
1874 [?], Address, Alumni Society of the University of Nashville
Description of the Greatest Literary Curiosity of the Age
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