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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Fieldwork: South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1925-1978 (continued)
Kamano River headwaters (East Central Highlands), 1935, Reo Fortune field trip, field notes, copies (continued)
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United States
Omaha Indians
1930, Mead and Reo Fortune field trip
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Prefield and administrative material, financial papers (Reo Fortune)
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Field data
Census material
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Fortune, Reo
Handwritten originals
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BOX N120 Mead, Margaret
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Note cards
1 of 2
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2 of 2
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Original data used in appendix to Changing Cultures of an Indian Tribe
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Postfield material, basic work up of raw materials (Mead)
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Miscellany See Oversize
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BOX O1-O85 Papers of Colleagues, 1908-1978
Correspondence, subject files, speeches and writings, notes and notebooks, research projects, teaching files, and other papers donated by friends and colleagues to Mead.
Arranged alphabetically by name of colleague.
BOX O1-O19 Gregory Bateson, 1922-1978
BOX O1 Family Correspondence, 1922-1943
Letters received and copies of letters sent between family members.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX O1 Bateson, Caroline Beatrice, 1927-1941, undated
Bateson, Edward, 1936-1943, undated
Durham, Edith, 1937-1942
Durham, Frances Hermia, 1922-1939
Heitland, Margaret Bateson, 1932-1938, undated
Mead, Margaret, 1942
Other family members, 1939-1943, undated
BOX O1-O3 General Correspondence, 1926-1956
Letters received and copies of letters sent, telegrams, memoranda, and related enclosures.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX O1 1926-1937
(4 folders)
BOX O2 1937-1943
(4 folders)
BOX O3 1943-1956, undated
(2 folders)
BOX O3-O8 Subject Files, 1934-1948
Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX O3 American Council of Learned Societies
American Ethnological Society
American Museum of Natural History
Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Information Center
Association of New York Scientists
Atomic Energy
Automobile association
Basic books
British council
British Psychological Society
Cambridge University, Cambridge, England
Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
BOX O4 Commonwealth Fund Fellowship
Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences
Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion
Council on Intercultural Relations
(2 folders)
BOX O5 Democracy
"Feed-back" system
Institute for Religious Studies
International Film Foundation
Job Applicants
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Military Government Training Program
New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y.
New York Academy of Sciences
Office of Strategic Services
"Democracies and Dictators" game
(1 folder)
BOX O6 (1 folder)
Film studies
British wartime supply and food shortages
"Hans Westmar"
"Hitlerjunge Quex"
(2 folders)
"Ich for Dich: Du fur Dich"
Mexican Motion Pictures
BOX O7 Motion pictures and national character
"Das Müde Todt"
"The Road to Life"
"Seven Days Leave"
"Triumph of the Will"
National stereotype research
Pidgin language research
Richardson, F. L. W.
Selective service
BOX O8 Social Union, Inc.
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Student questionnaires
Wartime Regional Materials Unit
William Wyse Studentship
Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
BOX O8-O15 Speeches and Writings File, 1925-1978
Drafts of writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, and miscellaneous material relating to articles, books, speeches, lectures, and interviews.
Arranged alphabetically by type of writing and therein chronologically. A file of miscellaneous correspondence and other material is located at the end of the series.
BOX O8 Articles and other writings
1931, "A Preliminary Account of Certain Aspects of the Social Life of the Iatmul People of the Sepik River"
1932, "Further Notes on a Snake Dance of the Baining"
1934, "Ritual Transvesticism on the Sepik River, New Guinea," International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
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