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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series 1, General Correspondence, 1841-1891 (continued) | |||||||||||||
1866, Feb. 26-1866, Apr. 2 (continued) | |||||||||||||
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REEL 22 | 1866, Apr. 3-1866, June 16 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 23 | 1866, June 18-1866, Aug. 25 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 24 | 1866, Aug. 26-1866, Oct. 19 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 25 | 1866, Oct. 20-1867, Jan. 14 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 26 | 1867, Jan. 15-1867, Apr. 20 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 27 | 1867, Apr. 21-1867, July 20 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 28 | 1867, July 21-1867, Sept. 20 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 29 | 1867, Sept. 21-1867, Nov. 28 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 30 | 1867, Nov. 29-1868, Jan. 20 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 31 | 1868, Jan. 21-1868, Mar. 10 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 32 | 1868, Mar. 11-1868, May 29 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 33 | 1868, May 30-1868, July 22 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 34 | 1868, July 23-1868, Oct. 6 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 35 | 1868, Oct. 7-1869, Jan. 16 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 36 | 1869, Jan. 17-1869, Oct. 13 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 37 | 1869, Oct. 16-1874, Mar. 31 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 38 | 1874, Apr. 4-1875, Feb. 9 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 39 | 1875, Feb. 10-1891, Nov. 23 , undated | ||||||||||||
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REEL 39-42 | Series 2, Additional Correspondence, 1814-1900 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence similar to that in series 1. | |||||||||||||
Arranged roughly in chronological order by day and in alphabetical order within the day. Contemporary indexes for volumes 5-10 are at the end of the series. | |||||||||||||
REEL 39 | 1814, Dec. 12-1861, Aug. 24 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 40 | 1861, Aug. 26-1866, Feb. 20 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 41 | 1866, Feb. 21-1868, July 10 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 42 | 1868, July-1900 , and undated | ||||||||||||
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REEL 42-43 | Series 3, Letterbooks, 1864-1869 | ||||||||||||
REEL 42-43 | Subseries 3A, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Six volumes of letter press copies of letters and telegrams signed by Johnson or his secretaries. Four volumes contain correspondence in a chronological sequence for the period May 29, 1865 to Feb. 17, 1869; Volume V includes additional correspondence for the period Sept. 20, 1865 to Oct. 3, 1867 and Volume VI for the period Jan. 16, 1865 to Feb. 17, 1869. Some of the letters are partially or wholly illegible. Fair copies of most of these letters may be found in Subseries B. | |||||||||||||
Within volumes the arrangement is chronological. | |||||||||||||
REEL 42 | Vols. 1-3, [1865-1867] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 42 | Vol. 4, 1867, Aug. 14-1868, Sept. 19 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 43 | Vol. 4, 1868, Sept. 21-1869, Feb. 27 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 43 | Vols. 5 & 6, [1865-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 43 | Subseries 3B, 1864-1869 | ||||||||||||
Three volumes of fair copies of letters and telegrams, chiefly copies from the Letter Press volumes in Subseries A. | |||||||||||||
Some fair copies are not represented in the Letter Press volumes, and arrangement does not consistently follow that of the Letter Press volumes. Copies of most of the items in Letter Press Volumes I and V are in Fair Copy Volume I, and Letter Press Volumes III and IV are in Fair Copy Volume II, but Fair Copy volumes may include letters from three different Letter Press volumes. Fair Copy Volume III, pages 38-263, includes copies of communications between General George Gordon Meade and officers in his command, May 3-June 25, 1864. Volumes I and II include indexes and there is a separate bound volume index to Volume I. | |||||||||||||
REEL 43 | Vols. 1-3, [1864-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 44-45 | Series 4, Indexes to Letters Received and Record Book, 1862-1869 | ||||||||||||
REEL 44 | Subseries 4A, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Indexes of letters received by Johnson. | |||||||||||||
Entries include name of writer, purport, date received, agency to which the letter was referred and date of referral, and are entered alphabetically in each volume by the first letter of surname of writer. The volumes are arranged in rough chronological order by the earliest date in each volume. Volumes 1 and 2 overlap in dates. | |||||||||||||
REEL 44 | Vols. 1-4 [1865-1867] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 44 | Vol. 5, A-K [1867-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 45 | Vol. 5, L-Z [1867-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 45 | Subseries 4B, 1862 | ||||||||||||
Index to a missing "record book" of letters sent by Johnson while military governor of Tennessee. File drafts of some of these letters are found in Series 1. | |||||||||||||
REEL 45 | [1862] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 45 | Subseries 4C, 1862-1863 | ||||||||||||
"Record Book" or day book containing chiefly digest of letters and activities of Johnson while military governor of Tennessee, entered in chronological order. A few transcripts of letters are entered in this volume. | |||||||||||||
REEL 45 | [1862-1863] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 45-47 | Series 5, Messages, 1851-1869 | ||||||||||||
REEL 45-46 | Subseries 5A, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Notes, drafts, and revisions of annual messages by Johnson and cabinet members. | |||||||||||||
Arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||||
REEL 45 | To 1867, Mar. 2 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 46 | 1867, Mar. 2-1869, Feb. 22 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 46-47 | Subseries 5B, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Transcripts of communications from Johnson to Congress. | |||||||||||||
Arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||||
REEL 46 | 1865, Dec. 4-1868, Mar. 23 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 47 | 1868, Mar. 25-1869 | ||||||||||||
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REEL 47 | Subseries 5C, 1862-1869 | ||||||||||||
Memoranda noting messages sent to Congress by Presidents Lincoln and Johnson together with memoranda noting the actions of the Senate on certain treaties. | |||||||||||||
Entries are in chronological order. | |||||||||||||
REEL 47 | [1862-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 47 | Subseries 5D, 1865 | ||||||||||||
Address of Johnson delivered September 13, 1865, "At the interview accorded to the Representatives of nine Southern States." | |||||||||||||
REEL 47 | [1865] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 47 | Subseries 5E, 1851-1869 | ||||||||||||
Additional manuscript drafts, and printed copies of messages, speeches, and other public pronouncements by Johnson. | |||||||||||||
Arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||||
REEL 47 | [1851-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 48-49 | Series 6, Applications and Appointments, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
REEL 48 | Subseries 6A, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Five volumes containing a list of applicants for appointment. | |||||||||||||
Arranged chronologically. In each volume names are entered in alphabetical groups by first letter of the applicant's surname, and, within the alphabetical groups, in the chronological order of receipt. These volumes are designated B, C, D, E, and F. The volume designated A which presumably could cover the period from April to October, 1865 is not among the Johnson Papers in the Library. | |||||||||||||
REEL 48 | [1865-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 48-49 | Subseries 6B, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
Five volumes listing appointments as follows: One volume containing a list of persons appointed with the date and office to which appointed, 1865-1866. Names arranged alphabetically by first letter of the surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date of appointment. One volume containing the same information and additional data such as the state of residence, action of the Senate, and date of commission, 1865-1869. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of the surname of the appointee and chronologically therein by date of nomination. Two volumes containing separate lists of persons appointed with the date and office to which appointed and other data, 1866-1869. Names arranged, under name of state of residence, and chronologically therein by date of nomination or date of appointment; data supplied includes office and date and action of the Senate. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date sent to Senate. One volume of appointments during recess of the Senate, 1865-1866. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date sent to Senate. |
REEL 48 | Vol. 1-Vol. 2, A-J, [1865-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 49 | Vol. 2, K-J, Vols. 3-5 [1865-1869] | ||||||||||||
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REEL 49 | Series 7, Executive Documents, 1865-1869 | ||||||||||||
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