The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947
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Series 4, Indexes to Letters Received and Record Book, 1862-1869 (continued)
Subseries 4A, 1865-1869 (continued)
Vol. 5, A-K [1867-1869] (continued)
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REEL 45 Vol. 5, L-Z [1867-1869]
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REEL 45 Subseries 4B, 1862
Index to a missing "record book" of letters sent by Johnson while military governor of Tennessee. File drafts of some of these letters are found in Series 1.
REEL 45 [1862]
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REEL 45 Subseries 4C, 1862-1863
"Record Book" or day book containing chiefly digest of letters and activities of Johnson while military governor of Tennessee, entered in chronological order. A few transcripts of letters are entered in this volume.
REEL 45 [1862-1863]
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REEL 45-47 Series 5, Messages, 1851-1869
REEL 45-46 Subseries 5A, 1865-1869
Notes, drafts, and revisions of annual messages by Johnson and cabinet members.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 45 To 1867, Mar. 2
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REEL 46 1867, Mar. 2-1869, Feb. 22
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REEL 46-47 Subseries 5B, 1865-1869
Transcripts of communications from Johnson to Congress.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 46 1865, Dec. 4-1868, Mar. 23
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REEL 47 1868, Mar. 25-1869
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REEL 47 Subseries 5C, 1862-1869
Memoranda noting messages sent to Congress by Presidents Lincoln and Johnson together with memoranda noting the actions of the Senate on certain treaties.
Entries are in chronological order.
REEL 47 [1862-1869]
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REEL 47 Subseries 5D, 1865
Address of Johnson delivered September 13, 1865, "At the interview accorded to the Representatives of nine Southern States."
REEL 47 [1865]
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REEL 47 Subseries 5E, 1851-1869
Additional manuscript drafts, and printed copies of messages, speeches, and other public pronouncements by Johnson.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 47 [1851-1869]
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REEL 48-49 Series 6, Applications and Appointments, 1865-1869
REEL 48 Subseries 6A, 1865-1869
Five volumes containing a list of applicants for appointment.
Arranged chronologically. In each volume names are entered in alphabetical groups by first letter of the applicant's surname, and, within the alphabetical groups, in the chronological order of receipt. These volumes are designated B, C, D, E, and F. The volume designated A which presumably could cover the period from April to October, 1865 is not among the Johnson Papers in the Library.
REEL 48 [1865-1869]
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REEL 48-49 Subseries 6B, 1865-1869
Five volumes listing appointments as follows:
One volume containing a list of persons appointed with the date and office to which appointed, 1865-1866. Names arranged alphabetically by first letter of the surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date of appointment.
One volume containing the same information and additional data such as the state of residence, action of the Senate, and date of commission, 1865-1869. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of the surname of the appointee and chronologically therein by date of nomination.
Two volumes containing separate lists of persons appointed with the date and office to which appointed and other data, 1866-1869. Names arranged, under name of state of residence, and chronologically therein by date of nomination or date of appointment; data supplied includes office and date and action of the Senate. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date sent to Senate.
One volume of appointments during recess of the Senate, 1865-1866. Names arranged alphabetically under the first letter of surname of appointee and chronologically therein by date sent to Senate.
REEL 48 Vol. 1-Vol. 2, A-J, [1865-1869]
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REEL 49 Vol. 2, K-J, Vols. 3-5 [1865-1869]
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REEL 49 Series 7, Executive Documents, 1865-1869
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REEL 49-50 Series 8, Courts-martial and Amnesty Records, 1864-1869
REEL 49 Subseries 8A, 1865-1869
Two volumes bound as one volume containing a record of courts-martial cases referred to Johnson with notation of the disposition made of each. The first contains rough entries for July-August 1865. The second contains transcripts of rough entries in the first, and additional entries, 1865-1869.
Arranged alphabetically under the first letter of the surname of the offender, and chronologically therein.
REEL 49 [1865-1869]
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REEL 49 Subseries 8B, 1864
One volume containing the signatures of persons who took the oath prescribed by Lincoln, the date, and the residence of each, at Nashville, Tenn.
Arranged chronologically.
REEL 49 1864, Jan.-Mar. 1
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REEL 50 1864, Mar. 1-May 6
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REEL 50 Subseries 8C, 1865-1869
Three volumes containing lists of persons to whom amnesty was granted with the nature of the offense, the date, and conditions given.
The names in each volume are alphabetically arranged under the first letter of the surname, and chronologically therein.
Vol. 1, 1865, May 9-Oct. 10
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Vol. 2, 1865, Oct. 10-1866, July 11
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Vol. 3, 1866, Apr. 3-1889, Mar. 3
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REEL 50-51 Series 9, Moore Diaries, 1866-1871
REEL 50 Subseries 9A, 1866-1868
"The Small Diary," July 8, 1866-March 20, 1868, a volume of shorthand notes by Col. William G. Moore, Johnson's secretary, and a typed transcript made in 1931 by Lydia M. Fox.
REEL 50 1866, July-[1868, Mar. 20]
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REEL 50 Subseries 9B, 1868-1871
"The Large Diary," March 21, 1868-Jan. 24, 1871, a volume of shorthand notes by Moore with a partial pencil transcript for entries, March 27-30, 1868, by Theodore F. Shuey in 1928, and a complete typed transcript made by Fox in 1931.
REEL 50 [1868, Mar. 21]-1868, Apr. 6
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REEL 51 1868, Apr. 7-1871
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REEL 51 Subseries 9C, 1866-1868
A third diary consisting of a free longhand transcript by Moore of extracts from his own shorthand notes of the period, July 1866-April 8, 1868. This transcript was edited by St. George L. Sioussat and printed in the American Historical Review, XIX (October, 1913), pp. 98-132.
REEL 51 [1866-1868]
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REEL 51-52 Series 10, Financial Records, 1829-1877
Account book (vol. 1), 1829-1838, and journal (vol. 2), 1833-1860, mostly accounts of Johnson's tailoring business in Greeneville, Tenn., and two boxes of household bills, and personal expense and financial accounts, 1835-1877.
REEL 51 Vols. 1-2 [1829-1860]
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REEL 51 Bills, 1835-1868, Oct.
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REEL 52 Bills, 1868, Nov.-1877
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REEL 52-53 Series 11, Scrapbooks, circa 1861-1875
Ten volumes of newspaper clippings and a separate subject index volume. The index volume appears first on the microfilm. A twelfth volume contains newspaper clippings reporting and commenting on Johnson's first message, 1865, and his election to the Senate, 1874-1875.
REEL 52 Vols. 1-4, [circa 1861-1875]
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REEL 53 Vols. 5-11, [circa 1861-1875]
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REEL 54 Series 12, Lists, circa 1858-1892
Four small volumes and one folder, containing lists of names, probably of persons qualified for land grant purchases under Johnson's proposed Homestead Bill, and of pro-Confederate Tennessee residents to be assessed for revenue.
The first volume in rough alphabetical order, the last three arranged under an alphabetical listing of Tennessee counties. Also a few loose lists duplicating those in the volumes.
REEL 54 [circa 1858-1892]
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REEL 54 Series 13, Newspaper Clippings, circa 1868
One volume, circa 1868, containing newspaper clippings with extensive annotation entitled "The Drama of Impeachment."
REEL 54 [circa 1858-1892]
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REEL 54 Series 14, Schoolbook, 1866
One volume containing signatures and essays of students in the North-East Girls' Grammar School, Philadelphia, Pa., presented to President and Mrs. Johnson.
REEL 54 1866
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REEL 54 Series 15, Assassinations Volume, 1866
One volume containing copies of letters from J. R. Doolittle to L. C. Draper and from L. J. Farwell to J. R. Doolittle, February 8 and March 12, 1866, concerning the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the attempted assassination of Johnson.
REEL 54 1866
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REEL 54 Series 16, Diplomatic List, circa 1858-1892
One volume containing a diplomatic list in manuscript.
REEL 54 [circa 1858-1892]
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