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Series 6, Record of Letters Received, 1897-1901 (continued)
Vols. 4 (cont.)-6, 1898-1899 (continued)
Digital content available
REEL 90 Vol. 7, 1900-1901
Digital content available
REEL 90-92 Series 7, Shorthand Notebooks and Notes, 1898-1901
Shorthand notebooks and loose shorthand notes of dictation taken by secretaries John A. Porter and George B. Cortelyou. Most of the notes cover periods when McKinley was on a speaking tour.
Arranged in chronological order.
REEL 90 1898, Feb.-1899, Aug.
Digital content available
REEL 91 1899, Aug. 22-1900, Apr.
Digital content available
REEL 92 1900, May-1901, May
Digital content available
REEL 92 Series 8, Guest List for Receptions at the White House, 1901
The official White House guest list includes several separate lists of names and addresses. Organized in the following categories: cabinet, diplomatic corps, Supreme Court, courtesy list, those invited to all receptions, newspaper correspondents, Congress, President and Mrs. McKinley's personal list, military officers, clergymen, society list, and miscellaneous.
REEL 92 Guest list, 1901
Digital content available
REEL 92 Series 9, Photographs, 1901
Digital content available
Transferred to Prints and Photographs Division in 1981:
  • Photographic portrait of McKinley (a raised photograph, framed), 1901
  • Photographs of the McKinley administration (bound volume including photographs of McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, the cabinet, and the United States Senate), 1901
REEL 92 Series 10, Assassination Records, 1901
Digital content available
Includes a scrapbook containing the tickertape reports of the attending physicians on McKinley's medical progress from the time he was shot until he died on September 14, 1901; a pocket memoranda book of Pressley M. Rixey, surgeon general, covering the period from September, 1900 to July, 1901, when he attended President and Mrs. McKinley; and a volume of letters, memoranda, and speeches by prominent men (1936-1943) most of which were printed in Charles U. Gordon (compiler), William McKinley Commemorative Tributes (1942).
REEL 92-93 Series 11, Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1897-1901
Undated memoranda arranged alphabetically by subjects; poetry arranged alphabetically by author; undated Presidential Office Staff letter résumés arranged alphabetically by correspondent concerned; a few legal briefs and court decisions, arranged chronologically; check stubs arranged chronologically; two pocket notebooks; and a banner of the state of Ohio. Also included are annotated calling cards arranged alphabetically; envelopes arranged alphabetically by writer; and several miscellaneous membership certificates.
REEL 92 1897-1900
Digital content available
REEL 93 1900-1901
Digital content available
REEL 94-98 Series 12, Scrapbooks, 1897-1901
Bound scrapbooks of newspaper clippings. The first nine volumes are classified "Current Comment" and consist of newspaper editorials. Following these are two volumes entitled "Social and Personal," two volumes labeled "Personal," two volumes labeled "Social World," one volume covering "At the White House," two volumes on McKinley's inaugural addresses, then volumes covering foreign affairs, one volume of speeches and comments of William Jennings Bryan during the 1900 campaign, and two volumes of clippings covering miscellaneous affairs.
Volumes arranged under subject headings and therein chronologically.
REEL 94 Vols. 1-6
Digital content available
REEL 95 Vols. 6 (cont.)-13
Digital content available
REEL 96 Vols. 13 (cont.)-20
Digital content available
REEL 97 Vols. 20 (cont.)-26
Digital content available
REEL 98 Vols. 27-34
Digital content available
BOX 13:1-13:4 Series 13, Newspaper Clippings, 1898-1901
Loose miscellaneous clippings not included in the scrapbooks.
BOX 13:1 Civil service methods, 1898, June-1899, July
Taylor, Henry, scraps collected by, 1899, June-1900, July
1898, Dec. 14-21 , Southern
May , Western
June , New England
(1 folder)
BOX 13:2 (1 folder)
Mar. 25 , New York
Apr. 19-27 , New York
1901, Mar.-Apr. , New England
(5 folders)
BOX 13:3 1898-1900
(8 folders)
BOX 13:4 1900-1901, undated
(12 folders)
BOX 14:1-14:11 Series 14, Printed Matter, 1883-1902
Primarily printed addresses, campaign material, government documents, reports of government agencies, resolutions and bills by Congress, pamphlets covering foreign relations, and travel information.
BOX 14:1 “Abraham Lincoln,” by McKinley, 1896, Feb. 12
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Association of Salida, Colo., 1897, Dec. 23
Act for Increasing the Efficiency of the Army of the United States, and for Other Purposes, undated
Act Making Appropriation for the Support of the Regular and Volunteer Army for the Fiscal Year Ending, 1900, June 30
Act Temporarily to Provide Revenues and a Civil Government for Porto Rico, and for Other Purposes, 1900, Apr. 12
Act to Amend the Laws Relating to American Seamen for the Protection of Such Seamen, and to Promote Commerce, undated
Act to Encourage the Holding of a Pan-American Exposition on the Niagara Frontier, within the County of Erie or Niagara, in the State of New York, in the Year of 1901
Act of Provide for Celebrating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Purchase of the Louisiana Territory by the United States, 1901
Act to Provide for Temporarily Increasing the Military Establishment of the United States in Time of War, and for Other Purposes, undated
Act to Regulate and Improve the Civil Service of the United States, 1883, Jan. 16
Atlanta, Ga., 1900, May 30
“An Act to Provide Revenue for the Government and to Encourage the Industries of the United States,” by John A. Kasson, 1897, July 24
“Bimetallism,” by Joseph C. Sibley, 1893, Aug. 18
Carnegie Library, 1897, Nov. 3
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1899, Oct. 16
Centennial of the Admission of the State of Tennessee into the Union, by J. M. Dickinson, June 1, 1891
Commercial Club, Boston, Mass., 1899, Feb. 17
Dedication of the Grant Monument, New York, N.Y., 1897, Apr. 27
Ecumenical Conference, by McKinley, undated
Exercises in Honor of the Return from Manila of the Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, 1899, Aug. 28
General Court, Boston, Mass., 1899, Feb. 17
Home Market Club Banquet, 1897, Mar. 1
Laboring Men, by James H. Eckels, 1900, Oct. 5
National Opening of the Philadelphia Museums, Philadelphia, Pa., by McKinley, 1897, June 2
Officers and Students of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1898, Feb. 22
Ohio Bankers' Association, Columbus, Ohio, 1900, Oct. 24
Ohio Chickamauga National Park Commission, 1896
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, by Rutherford B. Hayes, 1893, June 20
Omaha, Nebr., on the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, 1899
Opening of Republican Campaign in Ohio, by Stewart L. Woodford, 1896, Aug. 15
Philippines, 1899, Aug. 28
Protection and Bimetallism, by Thomas H. Carter, 1896, Feb. 26
Tennessee Centennial Exposition, by McKinley, 1897, June 11
Unveiling of the Statue of Major General John Alexander Logan, 1901, Apr. 9
Workingmen of Chicago, Ill., by John G. Carlisle, 1896, Apr. 15
“Agricultural Prosperity Is Here,” 1900, Mar. 17
Albany Law School, Albany, N.Y., 1901, Apr. 4
“The American Commercial Invasion of Europe,” by Frank A. Vandership, 1902
“American Expansion as an Historical Evolution,” 1899, Sept. 6
American Flag Association, 1900
American Flag Day, 1896
“The American Who Belittles Expansion,” Extracts from Remarks of H. R. Gibson, 1900, Feb. 9
Annual Reports
Commissioner of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior, 1900, June 30
Commissioner of Pensions to the Secretary of the Interior, 1899, June 30
Postmaster-General of the United States, 1897, June 30
Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Treasury on the State of Finances, 1898
BOX 14:2 Secretary of War, 1899
Annual Statement of the Commissioner of Education, 1898, June 30
Answers to Questions Propounded by the Commission of Investigation to the Surgeon-General, U.S.A., 1898, Sept. 30
Anti-Imperial Chain, 1899, Sept.
Appeal of the Midvale of the Rejection, 1900, Aug. 11
The Army Canteen, undated
“A Betrayal of the National Welfare,” Extracts from Remarks of J. P. Dolliver, 1900, Feb. 27
“Better Conditions of Labor under a Republican Administration,” by Charles Dick, 1900, June 9
Bibliography of the Papers and Reports of the American Historical Association
“The Birth of the Monroe Doctrine,” by O. S. Borne, undated
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