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American Colony in Jerusalem collection, circa 1786-2007

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Part II: Chronological File, 1893-1968 (continued)
1935 (continued)
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BOX II:45-46 Part II: Miscellany, 1869-2005
Hymns, poetry, and other writings by Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888), notes, oral history transcript, photographs, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX II:45 Handwritten notes, undated
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Hymns, poems, and other writings by Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888)
Bible study, undated
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Hymns and poems
circa early 1870s
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Undated, 1 of 5 See also Oversize
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Undated, 2 of 5
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Undated, 3 of 5
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Undated, 4 of 5
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Undated, 5 of 5
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BOX II:46 Letter describing his sister's biblical interpretations and his beliefs, 1879
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Notebook, 1869
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Letter from Charles Green, 1884
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Oral history interview with Valentine Vester, 2005
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1873, 1908-1909
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circa 1928, 1937, undated
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Printed matter
Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, Ill.
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The House-Top Saint by Mrs. J. D. Chaplin, undated
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Memorial cards, undated
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Miscellaneous, 1981-1982
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Newspapers in Arabic, 1963-1967
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BOX II:R47-R49 Part II: Restricted, 1887-1984
Business and legal files.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX II:R47 Business and Legal Files
American Colony
American Colony Hotels (Container II:35)
Miscellany, 1966-1973, undated
Transfer of shares, 1954, 1962-1971, undated
American Colony of Jerusalem
Corporate reorganization (Container II:35)
Formation of AMCOL, 1979-1984
(2 folders)
Plan by Horatio Vester, 1954, undated
Tax and other issues, 1978-1982, undated
(2 folders)
Transfer documents, 1983-1984
Financial reports, 1932-1941 (Container II:35)
Council, 1933-1936, 1942-1952 (Container II:35)
BOX II:R48 General and extraordinary, 1929-1955, 1962-1982 (Container II:35)
(7 folders)
Miscellany, 1952-1980 (Container II:35)
(4 folders)
BOX II:R49 Miscellaneous issues (Container II:35)
Partition of land, 1931-1933
Powers of attorney, 1887, 1930-1932
Reorganization and dissent
Arbitration (Container II:36)
Award, ruling, and other documents, undated
Distribution of property (Container II:37)
Miscellaneous distributions, 1930-1931
Transfer of Vester house and land, 1931
Russell and Co., accountants
General, 1947 (Container II:38)
Saffi, Michael, and land, 1920-1935 (Container II:39)
Vester and Co.
American Colony Stores
Registration of firm, 1919-1928 (Container II:39)
Beirut, Lebanon, office (Container II:40)
Financial accounts, 1961-1965
Miscellany, 1958-1968
Separation from American Colony Hotels, 1961-1962
Jerusalem office (Container II:40)
Financial accounts, 1962-1968
Miscellany, 1960-1967
Miscellany, 1962-1976 (Container II:40)
Taylor, Mervyn, solicitor, 1969-1970 (Container II:40)
BOX II:OV 1-OV 8 Part II: Oversize, 1866-1938
Diaries, hymns, poems, and other writings by Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888), maps, and printed matter.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX II:OV 1 Our Jerusalem
Chronological file
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