The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John J. Pershing papers, 1882-1971
Diaries, Notebooks, and Address Books, 1882-1925 (continued)
circa 1917-1919 (1 of 3) (continued)
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circa 1917-1919 (2 of 3)
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circa 1917-1919 (3 of 3)
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Undated (1 of 4)
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Undated (2 of 4)
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Undated (3 of 4)
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Undated (4 of 4)
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Fragments, undated
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BOX 8-219 General Correspondence, 1904-1948
Letters sent and received (mainly received) and other papers.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and by subject or topic.
BOX 8 A-Al
BOX 9 Alb-All
BOX 10 All-American Defense Society
BOX 11 American Expeditionary Forces-American Legion
BOX 12 1927-1933
BOX 13 1934-1943
BOX 14 American Legion Auxiliary-American War Mothers
BOX 15 American Women's Legion-An
BOX 16 Ap-Arm
BOX 17 Arm-Ast
BOX 18 At-Bak
BOX 19 Bak
BOX 20 Bak-Bal
BOX 21 Bal-Bar
BOX 22 Bar-Bea
BOX 23 Bea-Bel
BOX 24 Bel-Bi
BOX 25 Bid-Bis
BOX 26 Bjo-Blo
BOX 27 Blu-Boo
BOX 28 Book, My Experiences in the World War
BOX 29 E-H
BOX 30 I-P
BOX 31 Q-Z
BOX 32 Boo-Bow
BOX 33 Bow-Bra
BOX 34 Bre
BOX 35 Bri-Bro
BOX 36 Bro-Bul
BOX 37 Bur-Bus
BOX 38 But-Campanole
BOX 39 Campbell-Car
BOX 40 Car
BOX 41 Car-Cha
BOX 42 Cha-Chi
BOX 43 Chi-Chr
BOX 44 Chr-Cla
BOX 45 Cla
BOX 46 Cla
BOX 47 Cle-Clu
BOX 48 Co-Col
BOX 49 Col-Com
BOX 50 Com-Con
BOX 51 Con
BOX 52 Con
BOX 53 Cor-Cor
BOX 54 Cor-Cou
BOX 55 Cow-Cro
BOX 56 Cro-Cus
BOX 57 Cut-Dav
BOX 58 Dav-Daw
BOX 59 Daw
BOX 60 Daw-De
BOX 61 Dea-Dec
BOX 62 Dec-Def
BOX 63 Def-Del
BOX 64 Dem-Dic
BOX 65 Dic-Dod
BOX 66 Dod-Doy
BOX 67 Dra-Dum
BOX 68 Dun-Ear
BOX 69 Eas-Ega
BOX 70 Ega-Ell
BOX 71 Ell-Ey
BOX 72 Eva-Feb
BOX 73 Fed-fin
BOX 74 Fir-Fli
BOX 75 Fli-Fol
BOX 76 For
BOX 77 For-Fra
BOX 78 Fra-Fri
BOX 79 Fro-Ful
BOX 80 Fun-Gan
BOX 81 Gan-Gib
BOX 82 Gib-Gle
BOX 83 Go-Gra
BOX 84 Gra-Gre
BOX 85 Gre-Gru
BOX 86 Gu-Hal
BOX 87 Ham-Har
BOX 88 Har
BOX 89 Har
BOX 90 Har-Hav
BOX 91 Haw-Hed
BOX 92 Hef-Hen
BOX 93 Hen-Hic
BOX 94 Hil-Hin
BOX 95 Hir-Hol
BOX 96 Hol-Hor
BOX 97 Hor-Hou
BOX 98 How-Hug
BOX 99 Hug-Hus
BOX 100 Hut-Ins
BOX 101 Ins
BOX 102 Ins
BOX 103 Ins
BOX 104 Ins
BOX 105 Ins
BOX 106 Int-Jac
BOX 107 Jac-Jo
BOX 108 Jof-Jon
BOX 109 Jon-Kah
BOX 110 Kah-Ken
BOX 111 Ken-Kin
BOX 112 Kir-Kol
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