| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Addition, 1891-1971
(continued) |
Address book and wedding gift inventory,
(continued) |
Digital content available
Diaries |
Pershing, Helen F., 1906
Digital content available
Pershing, John J., 1904-1905
Digital content available
Unidentified, 1953
Digital content available
Warren, Helen Smith (mother in law),
undated |
Digital content available
Notebooks |
Pershing, Helen F., 1905
1 of 2 |
Digital content available
BOX 396 |
2 of 2 |
Digital content available
Pershing, John J. |
Digital content available
1905 (1 of 2) |
Digital content available
1905 (2 of 2) |
Digital content available
1905 (1 of 2) |
Digital content available
1905 (2 of 2) |
Digital content available
Digital content available
BOX 397 |
1934 |
Digital content available
Undated |
Digital content available
BOX 398-422 |
Family papers |
Correspondence with wife, Helen F. Pershing,
and letters between family members; newspaper clippings concerning
Pershing's death and other matters; and miscellaneous material |
BOX 422-430 |
Newspaper clippings |
BOX 431-433 |
Autobiographical writings, drafts (6
copies) |
BOX 434 |
Miscellany |
"A Great American," photograph
album |
Checkbooks |
Inventory book |
Record book, baby, Helen Elizabeth
Pershing, 1906, Sept. 8
Marriage certificate |
BOX 435 |
Miscellany |
Merrill, Edith Hall |
Notebook, travels |
Scrapbook |
BOX 436 |
Awards and memorials
See also Oversize
BOX 437 |
Items removed from the Scrapbooks
series |
BOX OV 1-OV 5 |
Oversize photographs, printed matter, and miscellaneous memorabilia. |
Arranged and described according to the series, folder, and container from which
the items were removed. |
BOX OV 1 |
Speech, Statement, and Book File |
My Experiences in the World War
Item no. 1, photographs used in
book (Container 355) |
BOX OV 2 |
Memorabilia |
Certificates, diplomas, awards,
commissions, etc. (Container 381) |
BOX OV 3 |
Certificates, diplomas, awards,
commissions, etc. (Container 382) |
BOX OV 4 |
Certificates, diplomas, awards,
commissions, etc. (Container 383) |
BOX OV 5 |
Addition |
Miscellany |
Awards and memorials (Container
436) |