The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Rosa Parks papers, 1866-2006
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Books Owned by Parks, 1866-2001 (continued)
Good, Warren R., and Hope H. Chipman, Plane Geometry, 1933 (continued)
Digital content available
BOX 33 Gray, Fred D., Bus Ride to Justice: Changing the System by the System, inscribed by the author, 1995
Digital content available
BOX 33 Hajj, Attallah, Ancestral Voices, 2000
Digital content available
BOX 34 Haley, Alex, Roots: The Saga of an American Family, inscribed by the author, 1976
Digital content available
BOX 34 Holy Bible
BOX 34 C. H. Robinson and Co., with a register of family births, marriages, and deaths, 1900 See Oversize ; See also Container 2, Copies of family register pages
Digital content available
BOX 34 World Syndicate Publishing Co., 1901, 1963-1968
Digital content available
BOX 35 Killens, John Oliver, Youngblood, inscribed by the author, 1954-1956, 1987
Digital content available
BOX 35 Knox, N. L., Elementary Lessons in English,part 1, How to Speak and Write Correctly, 1886
Digital content available
BOX 35 Lamparski, Richard, Whatever Became Of...?, inscribed by the author, 1973
Digital content available
BOX 35 Lawrance, Marion, How to Conduct a Sunday School; or, Twenty-eight Years a Superintendent, 1905
Digital content available
BOX 36 MacArthur, John, The MacArthur Study Bible, inscribed by Lois Harris, 1997
Digital content available
BOX 36 Macoy, Robert, Adoptive Rite Ritual: A Book of Instruction in the Organization, Government and Ceremonies of Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star
BOX 36 McCauley, Leona, copy, 1945, 1964-1967
Digital content available
BOX 36 Parks, Rosa, copy, 1945
Digital content available
BOX 36 McClure, A. K., Lincoln's Own Yarns and Stories, fragment, 1900 See also Container 50, same heading
Digital content available
BOX 36 Meriwether, Louise, Daddy Was a Number Runner, inscribed by the author, 1970
Digital content available
BOX 37 Michigan Barber School, Modern Textbook of Barbering, 1957
Digital content available
BOX 37 New Testament, published by the Haskins Service, undated
Digital content available
BOX 37 Parks, Rosa
BOX 37 Quiet Strength, author's copy, 1994, 2000
Digital content available
BOX 37 Rosa Parks: My Story, inscribed by Tim Rosarito, 1991-1992
Digital content available
BOX 37 Pigee, Vera, The Struggle of Struggles,part 1, inscribed by the author, 1975
Digital content available
BOX 37 Robinson, Jo Ann Gibson, The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It: The Memoir of Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, 1987
Digital content available
BOX 38 Russell, C. T., Scenario of the Photo-Drama of Creation, 1914
Digital content available
BOX 38 Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar, 1898
Digital content available
BOX 38 Shannon, T. W., Self Knowledge and Guide to Sex Instruction, 1913
Digital content available
BOX 38 Smith, Sandra, Poems and Inspirational Thoughts, inscribed by the author, 1985
Digital content available
BOX 39 Sweeney, W. Allison, History of the American Negro in the Great War, 1919
Digital content available
BOX 39 Terkel, Studs
BOX 39 Division Street: America, inscribed by the author, 1973
Digital content available
BOX 39 Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression, inscribed by the author, 1972
Digital content available
BOX 40 Williamson, Marianne, The Healing of America, inscribed by the author, 1997
Digital content available
BOX 40 Yette, Samuel F., The Choice: The Issue of Black Survival in America, 1971
Digital content available
BOX VA 1 Medals, 1996-1999
The Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Arranged alphabetically by name of the medal.
BOX VA 1 Medals
BOX VA 1 Congressional Gold Medal, 1999 See also Container 14, same heading
Digital content available
BOX VA 1 Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1996 See also Container 16, same heading
Digital content available
BOX 41-52 2024 Addition, 1900-2005
Correspondence and greeting cards, family papers, writings, notes, resolutions and other honors, financial, employment, health, and estate records, address books, political buttons and other ephemera, newspaper clippings, books, and other printed matter.
Arranged by type of material. File structure of the digital content maintained as received.
BOX 41 Family papers
BOX 41 Letters to and from Parks
BOX 41 Extended family
BOX 41 1983, 1996-2001
BOX 41 Undated
BOX 41 McCauley, Leona (mother), 1958
BOX 41 Other family papers
BOX 41 McCauley, Leona (mother)
BOX 41 Correspondence with others, 1953
BOX 41 Miscellany, circa 1966-circa 1968, 1974, undated
BOX 41 Parks, Raymond A. (husband)
BOX 41 Insurance, 1946
BOX 41 Receipts
BOX 41 Medical, 1974
BOX 41 Rent, 1972
BOX 41 Percival, Rose, medical, circa 2001
BOX 41 Percival family, miscellany, undated
BOX 41 General correspondence
BOX 41 Alphabetical file
BOX 41 Carter, Jimmy, 1997
BOX 41 Chopra, Deepak, 1998
BOX 41 Faison, Mollie C., 1960-1961, undated
BOX 41 Shabazz, Betty, 1997
BOX 41 Smith, Lorna, 1978, undated
BOX 41 Chronological file
BOX 41 1971-1977
BOX 41 1985-1989
BOX 41 1990-1995
BOX 41 1996
BOX 41 1997-1999
BOX 41 2000-2004
BOX 41 Undated
BOX 41 Greeting cards
BOX 41 circa 1970s-1973
BOX 41 1984
BOX 42 1996
BOX 42 1997
BOX 42 1997, Jan.-May
BOX 42 1997, July-Dec. See also Oversize, same heading
BOX 42 2000
BOX 42 2001
BOX 42 2003
BOX 42 Undated
BOX 42 Letters and drawings from children
BOX 42 1995-1996
BOX 42 1996
Folder 1
BOX 43 1996
Folder 2
BOX 43 2000
BOX 43 Eden Lake Elementary, Eden Prairie, Minn.
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