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Speeches and Writings, 1848-1902
(continued) |
4 Dec., speech to
National American Woman Association Suffrage Association convention (continued) |
Digital content available
1891, “The Degradation
of Disfranchisement,” National American Woman Suffrage Association
convention, Washington, D.C., with clipping |
Digital content available
18 Jan., “Solitude of
Self,” address delivered before Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Congress |
Digital content available
Dec., First
Foremothers' Celebration, New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
16 May, “The
Antagonism of Sex,” World Congress of Representative Women, with article
of same title |
Digital content available
19 July, “Emma
Willard, the Pioneer in the Higher Education of Women,” Chicago, Ill. |
Digital content available
Sept. “The Ultimate
Religion,” New York, N.Y., also entitled, “Worship of God in Man” |
Digital content available
22 Dec., “Christmas
on the Mayflower,” Foremothers Dinner, New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
“New York Constitutional Convention in
1867 ” |
Digital content available
1895, 12 Nov.,
Metropolitan Opera House, New York, N.Y. |
Digital content available
1900, 13 Feb., “Woman
Suffrage,” statement before Committee on the Judiciary of the House of
Representatives |
Digital content available
1902, 24 Feb., “Are
Homogeneous Divorce Laws in All the States Desirable?” National Legislative
League, Washington, D.C., revision of 1898 article of same title |
Digital content available
“Fear” |
Digital content available
“Reconstruction” |
Digital content available
“Suffrage: A National Right” |
Digital content available
“Woman in the Bible” |
Digital content available
Speech notes |
Digital content available
Sermons |
1882, Sept., “Women's
Position in the Christian Church,” London, England |
Digital content available
1883, 20 May, “Is the
Bible Opposed to Woman Suffrage?” Street, England (near Bristol) |
Digital content available
Undated, sermon from Genesis |
Digital content available
BOX 8 REEL 4 |
Other writings |
Account of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's attempt
to vote, 1880
Digital content available
“An Interpolation?” undated
Digital content available
“Annie Besant,” undated
Digital content available
Bible and Church Degrade Woman, (pamphlet), also two articles on “The Christian Church and Woman,
Digital content available
“Clerical Assumption,” undated
Digital content available
Drafts of resolutions for suffrage convention
of 1875 |
Digital content available
“My Creed,” undated
Digital content available
Published letters of Stanton |
Digital content available
Suggestions for the National Woman Suffrage
Association, spring 1872
Digital content available
Untitled, [1876]
Digital content available
BOX 8 REEL 5 |
Untitled and undated
1 of 5 |
Digital content available
2 of 5 |
Digital content available
3 of 5 |
Digital content available
4 of 5 |
Digital content available
5 of 5 |
Digital content available
Fragments, undated
Digital content available
BOX 8-10 REEL 5 |
Miscellany, 1840-1946
Biographical data, certificates, printed matter, speeches by others, and
scrapbooks. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject name. |
BOX 8 REEL 5 |
Address by Caroline Severance at Elizabeth Cady
Stanton Memorial Service, Los Angeles, Calif., 15 Nov.
Digital content available
Address by Moncure D. Conway at funeral
services for Stanton, New York, N.Y., 1902
Digital content available
Biographical data |
Digital content available
Certificates |
Digital content available
Clippings |
Digital content available
Elizabeth Cady Stanton As Revealed in Her Letters, Diary, and Reminiscences by Theodore Stanton and Harriot Stanton Blatch, 1922
Digital content available
Hearing of the National American Woman Suffrage
Association, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, 28 Jan. 1896
Digital content available
Legal papers of Daniel Cady, 1840,
Digital content available
The Lily,
May 1852
Digital content available
Memorials and tributes |
Digital content available
BOX 9 REEL 5 |
Miscellaneous ephemera |
Digital content available
National Woman's Party's celebration of the
1848 Seneca Falls Convention, 1923
Digital content available
Protest Against the Unjust Interpretation of
the Constitution by the Officers of the National Woman Suffrage Association,
Philadelphia, Pa., 17 Sept. 1886
Digital content available
Scrapbooks |
On the Woman's Rights Convention, prepared
by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1848
Digital content available
#1, prepared by Susan B. Anthony |
1 of 4 |
Digital content available
2 of 4 |
Digital content available
3 of 4 |
Digital content available
4 of 4 |
Digital content available
BOX 10 REEL 5 |
#2, prepared by Susan B. Anthony |
Digital content available
#3, prepared by Susan B. Anthony |
Digital content available
Speeches |
Blatch, Harriot Stanton, “Elizabeth Cady
Stanton,” Buffalo Convention, Buffalo, N.Y., 1915
Digital content available
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