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Series 3: Graphic materials (continued) | |||||||||||||
Color slides (continued) | |||||||||||||
Acadian Festival talent show, Madawaska, Maine; Acadian Mass, Saint David, Maine, June 26, 1991 - June 27, 1991 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c021 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the talent show held as part of the annual Acadian Festival in Madawaska, ME; 1, A Canadian woman, name unknown, performs a traditional dance; 2, A former local beauty pageant queen who now lives out of state, who returned to perform a song at the talent show; 3, Local fiddler Lionel Doucette, who performed three tunes; 4, George Sullivan, an employee of Fraser Paper in Madawaska, performs a humorous skit which included impressions of Louis Armstrong; 5, Jennifer Michaud, the current Miss Greater Madawaska, performs a song; These images document the Acadian Mass, held annually at St. David Catholic Church in St. David, ME, during the Acadian Festival week; 6-7, Family members line up behind their respective banners for the procession at the start of the mass; 8, The procession begins; 9, Part of the congregation; 10-17, The procession continues; each family which has previously held a reunion during the Acadian festival has a banner which is carried in and laid in front of the altar; 18, The last members of the initial procession; the woman's costume is intended to replicate traditional Acadia garb; 19, The priests at the altar begin the mass; 20, Part of the congregation. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C022 | Acadian Mass, Saint David, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c022 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the Acadian Mass, held annually at St. David Catholic Church in St. David, ME, during the Acadian Festival week; 1, Part of the congregation; 2-3, A priest performs a part of the Mass; 4-7, Various readings were done by lay people during the Mass. the woman in #6-7 is wearing clothes meant to replicate traditional Acadian garb; 9-12, Various parts of the Mass; 13-14, People receiving communion; 15-18, The recessional; as in the processional, families walk behind their respective banners; 19-20, A house in Madawaska, ME; the use of vivid greens and blues to paint houses is quite prevalent in the study area. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C023 | Houses and miscellaneous scenes, Madawaska, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c023 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of buildings, mostly houses, and other scenes in Madawaska, ME. Specific structures were chosen to photograph based on color— in particular, the use of vivid greens and blues, and the use of a slightly varying shade of red-brown which is often called oxblood (or sang de boeuf in French); 1-6, Various houses; 7-8, Fire hydrant; the use of the bright green echoes a color often used in painting buildings; 9-17, Various houses; 18, A rural scene in Madawaska; the long, narrow field traversing the hill reminds one of the French long lot style of land grants; 19, Some sort of municipal building along a stream which is painted with the same sort of green often seen on houses; 20, House in Madawaska; the butterflies on the exterior wall are a commonly used decorative device in the study area. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C024 | Variety of houses in Madawaska, Maine; Acadian Mass, Saint David Catholic Church, Madawaska, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c024 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document several different houses in Madawaska, ME; these houses were chosen to photograph to typify certain decorative aspects common in the study area; 1-3, House with large decorative butterflies; 4-6, Several different houses, each using a red-brown shade of paint either on walls or trim; 7-9, Different houses painted in vivid green/blue shades; These images document the Acadian Mass held annually at St. David Catholic Church in Madawaska, ME, during the Acadian Festival week; 10-20, After the mass, the congregation was led by the past and present reunion families in a procession from the church to the cross commemorating the Acadian landing site. In #16, fieldworker Lisa Ornstein photographs the procession. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C025 | Acadian Mass held during the Acadien Festival week, Saint David, Maine; Various buildings, Madawaska, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c025 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the Acadian Mass held annually at St. David Catholic Church during the Acadian Festival week; 1-15, The congregation is led by reunion families with their banners in a procession from the church to the cross commemorating the Acadian landing site. #2-3, Geraldine Chasse is seen in a costume meant to replicate traditional Acadian garb. #4, small markers and trees represent each of the families having had a reunion in conjunction with the Acadian Festival; each year, a particular family has a large reunion which is a kind of centerpiece for the Festival; 16-17, John's Hardware on Main St. in Madawaska; the bright blue/green color is found on many buildings, primarily houses, in the study area; 18-20, Headquarters of the Acadian Festival on Main St., Madawaska. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C026 | Various buildings, Madawaska, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c026 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of buildings in Madawaska, ME. Particular buildings were chosen to photograph as evidence of typical or special decorative or architectural features; 1-2, Video store in on Main St.; note the use of the Acadian flag as a decoration; 3, Jewelry store on Main St.; Acadian flag used as decoration, and the SALE banner in the window uses the Acadian colors, although not in the same pattern as the flag; 4-7, Various houses, including a mobile home, using bright blue or green paint; 8, Oscar and Delphine Daigle on the porch of their house; 9-20, A variety of houses, all of which have been painted using vivid blue/green shades. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C027 | Various buildings and scenes, Frenchville, Maine, and St. Agatha, Maine, June 27, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c027 | |||||||||||||
17 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of scenes and buildings in Frenchville and St. Agatha, ME; particular buildings were chosen to photograph as evidence of typical or special decorative or architectural features; 1, House with lawn ornaments on U.S. Highway 1 in Frenchville; 2, Wildflowers, a great many of which grow in the study area; the white flowers are daisies; 3-8, Buildings painted with a red-brown, sometimes called oxblood, shade which is widely used. The building in #7-8 has a facade which, while often associated with commercial buildings, is found on many non-commercial buildings in the study area; 9-11, Several houses painted with bright blue/green shades, a common decorative theme; 13-15, Wagon of the Keystone Kops parked in a driveway in St. Agatha; 15-17, House in St. Agatha which combines the use of green and oxblood colors. Other decorative features often found in the study area are lawn ornaments, particularly the chrome ball, and the eagle; 18-20, Do not exist. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C028 | Potato farm in New Canada, Maine; Various scenes in Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c028 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the potato farm of Orenie Bossie and Sons in New Canada, ME; 1, Barn with potato barrels stacked outside; 2, Field of young oats. Most farmers plant some sort of grain, often oats, along with potatoes; sometimes these are used as rotation crops; 3, Produce storage barn called a potato house; often, these are partially buried as an insulating technique; 4-5, Small garden on the farm; note that the plants are still covered for protection against possible frost, although it is late June; 6, Another view of the fields; 7, Notice on door to potato house, warning against contamination of seed potatoes; 8, Field of young potato plants, probably planted about three weeks ago; 9, Handmade wooden potato barrels, seldom used in modern harvesting; 10, Barn and shed. Note the custom painted sign with MPG (Maine Potato Growers) logo; these are found on many farms in the study area; The following images are of a variety of scenes in Madawaska, ME; 11-12, Sign at gas station on Main St. announcing aspects of Acadian Festival; 13, Sirois Sharpening Service truck; 14-16, Barn on a farm on Beaulieu Rd. ; the connected in-line barns are an unusual type. It is unknown if the barns are currently in use; 17, Potato field (foreground) and view of the St. John River Valley; 18-20, Former house now used as storage on a farm; the smaller section is probably an addition to the original house. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C029 | Various houses and scenes, Madawaska, Maine, June 27, 1991 - June 28, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c029 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes in Madawaska, ME ; 1-3, House with trim painted in widely-used red-brown color. #3, note the pelican on the steps; pelicans are not native fauna, but pelican statues are frequently used as decorative items; 4, Truck with bright blue/green paint, echoing shades often used to paint houses; 5, Houses painted with bright blue/green colors; 6, House using a gray and red-brown color combination; this combination is often used in the study area; 7, Store in Lavertu Settlement; note the pavilion roofline with a break, often associated with French architecture in the United States, but not commonly used in the study area; 8-10, Houses with broken rooflines and incised porches in Lavertu Settlement; 13, House with gray and red color combination; 14-16, Barn in Madawaska; the gambrel (colm-casse) roof is a common feature in the study area, but the addition which wraps around nearly three-quarters of the barn is not; 17-18, Houses using bright blue/green colors; 19, Old bus parked behind a house; the gray and red color scheme echoes that use in many houses; 20, Handmade wooden potato barrels. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C030 | Abandoned farmhouse, Madawaska, Maine; Musical spoons in collection of Nicolo Gagne, Clair, New Brunswick; Acadian Festival parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991 - June 29, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c030 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
A couple of miscellaneous images; 1, Abandoned house converted to storage on a farm on Beaulieu Rd. in Madawaska; the smaller section was probably an addition; 2, A collection of musical spoons belonging to Clair, New Brunswick resident Nicolo Gagne; the wooden spoons were purchased from other makers in Quebec and New Brunswick, while the metal spoons were made by M. Gagne; These images document the annual Acadian Festival parade; 3-20, Scenes from the annual Acadian Festival parade in Madawaska, which proceeds down Main St. and ends at the Madawaska High School. The parade is very well attended, and many organizations and businesses in Madawaska and throughout the study area are represented. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C031 | Acadian Festival Parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 29, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c031 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the annual parade held as part of the Acadian Festival. The parade route went through the center of downtown on Main St. , which is where these photographs were taken, and finished at the Madawaska High School; 1-6, A color guard performs in front of the judges, who were stationed on the balcony of the Acadian Festival headquarters (the gray building in #3-4). The solitary soldier in camouflage in #2 represented the troops serving in Operation Desert Storm; 7-14, A youth group known as the Firing Squad; 15, Unknown group marches with a variety of flags, including American and Acadian flags and provincial flags of Canada; 16, Aroostook County Democrats; 17-20, Group with POW/MIA display. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C032 | Acadian Festival Parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 29, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c032 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the annual parade held as part of the Acadian Festival. See MAP-DW-C031 for more information; 1-2, Group with POW/MIA display; 3-4, Unknown group (Knights of Columbus?) marching with flags, including Acadian, American, and provincial flags of Canada; 5, Knights of Columbus car; 6-7, Les Chevaliers de Colomb (Canadian equivalent of Knights of Columbus) de St-Jacques; 8, A beauty pageant winner; 9, Optimist International; 10, Jennifer Michaud, 1991 Miss Greater Madawaska; 11, Big Bird, a character form the television show Sesame Street; 12-13, Various Disney characters; 14, Popular children's television and movie characters the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; 15-17, Stunt bicyclists; 18, Winners of Optimist Mini-Kar races; 19, Antique car with local business advertisement; 20, The Marching Owls, Madawaska High School band. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C033 | Acadian Festival Parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 29, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c033 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the annual parade held as part of the Acadian Festival. See MAP-DW-031 for more information; 1-14, The Marching Owls, Madawaska High School band; this band is a source of great pride in the community; 15-16, Baton twirlers; 17-18, Banner of the Sirois/Duplessis family reunion; this was the family whose reunion was a featured event at this year's Festival; 19-20, Mindy Jessica Sirois, youngest family member in attendance at the reunion. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C034 | Acadian Festival Parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 29, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c034 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the annual parade held as a part of the Acadian Festival. See MAP-DW-C031 for more information; 1, Late 1950s or early 1960s vintage Cadillac at the head of a group of antique cars; 2-5, Float with representatives of the Sirois/Duplessis family, whose reunion was a featured event at this year's festival; 6, Float sponsored by local supermarkets; 7, Youngsters in t-shirts with environmental message; 8, Victoria Pipe Band; 9-10, Float with members of the Bouchard family, whose reunion was a featured event at the 1990 Acadian Festival; 11-13, Float sponsored by the Caribou Grizzlies; 14-15, Youth band on float sponsored by local PTA; 16-19, Anah Temple Oriental Band from Bangor, ME; 20, Antique fire engine. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C035 | Acadian Festival parade, Madawaska, Maine; Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine, June 29, 1991 - July 03, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c035 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the annual parade held as a part of the Acadian Festival. See MAP-DW-C031 for more information; 1, Antique fire engine; 2-3, Remote control fire hydrant run by Madawaska fireman; 4, Unknown float; possibly 4-H club; 5, Marcher clad in potato costume; potatoes are the single most important crop in the study area; 6-9, The Keystone Kops, a local organization which participates in a variety of events; 10, Float sponsored by local snowmobile club; 11, Unknown float; 12, Truck carrying advertisement for local business, quite popular with the kids because they were giving away candy; 13-14, Truck carrying Santa Claus (in June!!) who threw candy to the crowd; 15, A nun converses with members of the Sirois/Duplessis family inside the Multi-Purpose Building, which is where the post-parade awards and Festival closing ceremonies took place; The following images document Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Lille, ME. The church is not part of a currently active parish, and is in the process of being restored by Don Cyr of Lille; 16-18, Hand made tapestry; 19-20, View of an altar; this is not in the main sanctuary. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C036 | Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine; Camps of Acadia, Eagle Lake, Maine, July 03, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c036 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document the Mt. Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery in Lille, ME. The church is not part of an active parish, but is being restored by Don Cyr of Lille, who lives in the presbytery; 1, Detail of handmade flower on silk banner; 2, Large cabinet called a vestiare. which holds the various objects and elements used in the services; 3, Elaborately decorated tabernacle; 4-5, Interior of the sanctuary; note the marbleizing on the columns and the statues of the apostles in the high archways; 6, Altar stone; 7, Vestiare; see #2; 8-9, Container for holy water; 10-11, Statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; 12-13, Statue of an apostle; 14-15, Marbleized columns; 16-18, Decorative woodwork on presbytery; These images were taken at the Camps of Acadia on the south shore of Eagle Lake; 19, Cabin; 20, Sign at entrance to camp. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C037 | Buildings and scenes, Upper St. John River Valley, area, Maine, July 05, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c037 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
A variety of miscellaneous scenes in the study area; 1, Abandoned dairy bar at Eagle Lake; 2, A building in Eagle Lake, perhaps a former fire house; 3-4, Motorized canoe on Eagle Lake; 5, Farmland in the eastern part of Fort Kent; 6, Twilight on Eagle Lake, as seen from the deck of the camp occupied by fieldworkers Ray Brassieur and David Whitman; 7, See #5; 8-9, Abandoned agricultural equipment; a large number of farmers in the study area have quit farming; 10, Spraying in the potato fields; 11, Foundation stone of early church in Lille with crosses carved into it; 12-15, Downtown Fort Kent on July 4th weekend; more flags in evidence than usual, and a patriotic message at the gas station; 16, New pickup truck at a car dealer in Fort Kent; the bright blue/green color is popular on houses; 17-19, Flag on a rock by the Fish River in Fort Kent; white building in the background is an abandoned starch factory; 20, Dock at Eagle Lake Marina; pontoon craft is a commercial tour boat preparing to depart. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C038 | Old Mill Marina, Eagle Lake, Maine; Lavertu family reunion, Lavertu Settlement, Maine, July 05, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c038 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
A variety of scenes in Eagle Lake; 1-2, Commercial tour boat preparing to leave; 3, A speedboat leaves the dock; 4, Swimming beach at Eagle Lake; 5, Tour boat; 6-7, Old Mill Marina, a former sawmill converted into a motel, restaurant, and marina; 8, Tents set up at Eagle Lake for the annual July 4th parish celebration; 9, A local farmer on his tractor; These images document a reunion of the Lavertu family, held at Lavertu Settlement; there was a barbecue, entertainment, and the unveiling of a monument to the original Lavertu settlers of the area; 10-11, Barn where the barbecue was held, memorabilia was displayed, and souvenirs were sold; the brightly colored t-shirts were made for the reunion; 12-13, The house and a shed on the Lavertu farm; note the gray and red color combination, which is scene on many buildings in the study area; 14-15, Jaguar with Connecticut plates; many people came from out of state to attend the reunion, and most families in the study area have relatives in Connecticut; 16-17, Children in a cart being pulled behind a tractor; Miscellaneous images; 18, A family of loons in Eagle Lake; loons were present on the lake throughout our stay; 19, Knights of Columbus Hall in Fort Kent; 20, Shed with gambrel roof; this roof style is used on many different buildings in the study area, including barns, houses, commercial buildings, and sheds. Some of the sheds appear to have been built from kits, and some from scratch. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C039 | Variety of buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine, July 10, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c039 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of buildings and other scenes in Fort Kent; 1-3, A variety of buildings showing the use of the gambrel roof in different contexts; this roof style is widely used in the study area; 4, Decorative eagles on a home; the use of the eagle as a decorative motif is quite common; 5, Ten commandments on a trailer; 6, Decorative eagle on a garage; 7, Many mailboxes are set back to allow for the buildup of snow; 8, Decorative eagle on a carport; 9, Looking north across the St. John River at agricultural land in New Brunswick; 10, House painted in vivid blue/green shade, a common color choice; 11, Another common color used on buildings, a red-brown that could be called oxblood; also note the use of the gambrel roof; 12, A common type of structure behind houses, meant to hold firewood; 13, Another set back mailbox; 14, Mobile home with bright blue/green paint; 15, Mobile home with added roof using gambrel style; 16, Set back mailbox with reflector added to warn snowplow; 17, Barn or garage with gambrel roof; 18, House with bright blue trim; 19, House and shed painted in gray and red; 20, House painted bright blue/green. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C040 | Buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine; Shrines, churches, homes, Frenchville, Maine, July 10, 1991 - July 11, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c040 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
Some miscellaneous buildings and scenes in Fort Kent; 1, House painted bright blue/green, a common color choice; 2, Shrine in a yard; a great number of houses in the study area have such shrines, primarily to the Virgin Mary; 3-4, Decorative eagles on a house; eagles are often used as a decorative motif; 5, Another shrine, this one is in front of an apartment; 6, Bright colors are used in a variety of settings, here as painted rocks by a driveway; 7-8, Gambrel-roofed shed; St. Louis Catholic Church is in the background; 9-12, A type of wheeled dock locally called a quay (or quai); the wheels allow the dock to be removed from the water before it freezes, thus averting ice damage. These are common on lakes in the study area; this one is on Eagle Lake; 13-20, Wooden strip canoe being built by Jerry White and Mark Jallbert at White's home in Frenchville. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C041 | Various buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine, July 12, 1991 | ||||||||||||
Photographer: David A. Whitman | |||||||||||||
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_c041 | |||||||||||||
20 35mm color slides | |||||||||||||
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes in Fort Kent, ME; 1-2, Alberie Pelletier works in some of his potato fields; 3-4, A potato house of the type located near the railroad tracks which served to store potatoes prior to shipment; this particular example, located on Market St., has been converted to retail shops; 5, A beauty salon in a house; combining business and home is a common occurrence, and beauty salons are particularly well represented in this category; 6, Shrine in the yard; many houses in the study area have such shrines; 7, Decorative eagle on a house, a motif seen throughout the study area; 8, Mailboxes are often buried by snow or hit by snowplows; residents have tried to solve the problem by setting the boxes back off the road; 9-10, A type of rectangular clothesline seen throughout the study area; 11, House painted a bright blue/green; similar colors are seen on many houses; 12, Another set-back mailbox; the supporting structure, according to fieldworker Ray Brassieur, resembles a type of trap called a figure 4; 13-14, Wildflowers, which were plentiful in the study area in June and July; 15-16, Alberie Pelletier in his potato field; 17-18, House and shed painted bright blue; the gambrel roof on the shed is a style used on a variety of buildings; 19-20, Farmland in eastern Fort Kent, on North Perley Brook Rd.; small herds of cattle are found occasionally on farms in the study area. | |||||||||||||
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-C042 | Various buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine, July 12, 1991 | ||||||||||||
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