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Maine Acadian cultural survey collection, 1991

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Series 3: Graphic materials (continued)
Black-and-white negatives (continued)
Acadian vernacular architecture, on Maine 11, Upper Saint John River area, Maine and New Brunswick, June 29, 1991 (continued)
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b020_61321
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-2, Acadian cottage of the early type, with fine galleries, on Maine 11 near Soldier Pond; 3, central hall house with gothic dormers on Me. 11 in Ft. Kent; 4-7, views of the St. John River and Maine across, from New Brunswick at Baker Brook, NB; 8-9, historic New Brunswick Acadian cottage of the earliest Quebec type, north of San Basile; 10-11, vernacular houses along the highway to from Baker Brook to Frederickton; 12-13, views of the St. John River and Maine side; arpents visible; 14-16, vernacular houses, contd.; most are Acadian looking cottages and variations thereupon; 17, a white frame "four square" Midwestern USA type vernacular house, with typical pyramidal roof, that became popular as a pattern book house in the early 20th century; it is found throughout the areas I saw in Maine and New Brunswick; 18-19, old arpent landscape n. of San Basile; 20-21, San Basile church's cemetery and the Maison Alexis Cyr that was moved here and restored; 22-23, St. John River from San Basile cemetery; across is Madawaska, Maine (St. David); 24, cemetery, contd.; 25-27; 32-33, Maison Alexis Cyr — historic site at the St. Basile cemetery, on the St. John River directly across from St. David (Madawaska), Me.: c. 1800 Maison Alexis Cyr log house reconstructed at this site; 32-33, details on the Maison Alexis Cyr: handwrought iron thumb latches, memorial plaque on the wall; 28-31; 34-35, memorial chapel at the Alexis Cyr house site, built in 1960 to honor the Acadian settlers here; it is a modern variant of piece-sur-piece en colombage construction; 34-35, treaty marker and cemetery at St. Basile pioneers' memorial chapel.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B021 Scenes of Upper St. John River Valley, New Brunswick and Maine, June 29, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b021
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1, camera test, field notes; 2-4, San Basile church's cemetery and the church itself; 5-6, vernacular houses in St. Basile, NB; 7-8, entrance to the San Basile cemetery and the Maison Alexis Cyr historic site; 9, Acadian house, s. of San Basile; 10, local church, San Basile; 11-12, excellent example of an Acadian barn, south of Riviere Verte (Green River) and с. 1 mi. north of Sainte-Anne, NB; 13-15, connected farmstead near St. Leonard, NB, s. of San Basile; 16-20, Catholic church, St. Leonard; like all others, it is positioned high and faces the St. John River (and Van Buren, Maine); 22, Acadian cottage s. of St. Leonard; 23-36, highway, landscape; at #29 views of St. John River and landscape across in Maine, from New Brunswick, near St. Leonard; arpent land division system clearly seen.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: LO-B001-61422 Roadside crosses, Baker-Brook, New Brunswick; Good Shepherd Sisters Centennial Concert, Van Buren, Maine; Acadian Mass, Saint David, Maine, June 15, 1991 - June 27, 1991
Photographer: Lisa Ornstein
Digital content available: afc1991029_lo_b001_61422
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document three separate documentary fieldwork events: roadside crosses located in Baker-Brook, New Brunswick (photographed 6/15/91); the Good Shepherd Sisters Centennial Concert at Saint Bruno Church in Van Buren, Me. (photographed 6/21/91); and the "Acadian Mass" at Saint David Church in Saint David, Me (photographed 6/27/91). For further details, consult MAPLO-F061591.A, MAP—L0-A004, MAP-L0-A005, and MAP-L0-A009; [2-9, document the roadside cross located on Route 120 at the Baker/Brook/Clair townline]; 2-5, roadside cross: full-length shots; 6-7, roadside cross area showing proximity of cross to townline welcome sign; 8-9, detail of roadside cross: shrinebox; lettering reads: Eternal Light; [10-22, document the roadside cross located at the corner of rue Cyr and Chemin du Lac]; 10-15, roadside cross: full-length shots; 16-17, detail of roadside cross: enclosed base; 18, detail of roadside cross: three-quarter-length shot; 19-20, detail of roadside cross: shrinebox; 21, detail of roadside cross: upper portion of cross; 22, detail of roadside cross: shrinebox; [22-25, document a ceremonial candle located in Saint Bruno Church (Van Buren, Me.) initially thought to be a special candle made to commemorate the Centennial of the arrival of the Good Shepherd Sisters; information made available later in the evening's fieldwork revealed this to not be the case]; [26-36, document the "Acadian Mass" celebrated at the Saint David Church in Saint David, Me.]; 26-28, Local parishioners who will carry commemorative family banners into the church for the special Mass gather in the church basement prior to the service; 29-34, At the beginning of the "Acadian Mass, "local parishioners process down the central aisle of the church, carrying commemorative family banners which will be posted along the walls of the church during the service; 35, Clergy and member of congregation pause in front of the altar before taking their place in the sanctuary; 36, View of the sanctuary; the family banners laid on the steps leading to the altar will be blessed during the service; 37, blank.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: LO-B002-61408 Acadian Mass, Saint David, Maine; Story of the Acadians, presented at Madawaska High School, Madawaska, Maine; Acadian Mass, Saint David, Maine, June 27, 1991 - June 28, 1991
Photographer: Lisa Ornstein
Digital content available: afc1991029_lo_b002_61408
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document three separate documentary fieldwork events: the "Acadian Mass" at Saint David Church in Saint David, Me (photographed 6/27/91), "The Story of the Acadians," presented at the Madawaska High School library in Madawaska, Me. (photographed 6/28/91) and the Acadian Supper sponsored by the Madawaska Town Council and held in the Saint David church basement in Saint David, Me (photographed 6/28/91) . For further details, consult MAP-L0-A009, MAP-LO-AOIO, MAP-LO-A11, and MAP-LOF6/28/91.A; [2-10, document the "Acadian Mass" celebrated at the Saint David Church in Saint David, Me. on the morning of 27 June 1991 in conjunction with the Fourteenth Acadian Festival (Madawaska, Me.)]; 2, Member of the congregation costumed in "Acadian dress" delivers reading during the Mass; 3-5, Parishioners carrying commemorative family banners lead clergy and congregation in the annual "Acadian Mass" procession down to the "Acadian Landing Site" located close to the Saint David Church by the banks of the Saint John River; 6, Geraldine Chasse (Saint David, Me.) and unidentified local parishioner, wearing "Acadian" costumes, standing in front of family reunion commemorative markers at the "Acadian Landing Site" following the "Acadian Mass" procession; 7, Parishioners carrying commemorative family banners lead clergy and congregation in the annual "Acadian Mass" procession down to the "Acadian Landing Site" located close to the Saint David Church by the banks of the Saint John River; 8, Family banner carriers pose with their banners in front of their respective family reunion commemorative markers at the "Acadian Landing Site" following the "Acadian Mass" procession; 9, Monseigneur Chalut addresses parishioners who have gathered at the "Acadian Cross" at the "Acadian Landing Site" following the "Acadian Mass" at Saint David Church; 10, Parishioners listen to local clergy and dignitaries speak at the "Acadian Landing Site" following the "Acadian Mass" at Saint David Church; [11-25, document a free public event entitled "Story of the Acadians," featuring presentations by Ms. Bernette Albert [Madawaska, Me.] and Mr. Rosaire Sirois [Caribou, Me.]. "Story of the Acadians," an activity of the Fourteenth Acadian Festival, was presented at the Madawaska High School library, Madawaska, Me. on the morning of 28 June 1991]; 11, ship knee, a support timber cut from the junction of a tree trunk and limb, formerly used as an architectural brace in local framed timber buildings; brought for display by Mr. Rosaire Sirois; 12, sausage stuffing mill used for making boudin (blood sausage); brought in for display by Mr. Rosaire Sirois; 13, counter in front of the audience seating area decorated with display items brought in by Mr. Rosaire Sirois; on the floor in front of the counter: a tin tub formerly used for the weekly family bath, an old fence rail, and a potato barrel formerly used for harvesting potatoes; on the counter top: a sausage stuffing mill formerly used for making boudin (blood sausage), a ship knee, and a split ash basket formerly used for harvesting potatoes; leaning against the back wall is a large plank of pitsawn lumber; 14, Ms. Bernette Albert, wearing an "Acadian costume," speaks to the audience about the history of the Acadians; 15-18, Mr. Rosaire Sirois speaks to the audience about local culture and occupational history, explaining the items which he has brought in for display; 19-20, Mr. Rosaire Sirois swings a "cric-crac" a ratchet traditionally used by the local Catholic clergy during Holy Week to call parishioners to church; 21, Mr. Rosaire, holding an old-fashioned bath tub and explaining to the audience the weekly ritual of the family Saturday night bath with which he grew up; 22, Mr. Rosaire Sirois speaks to the audience about local culture and occupational history, explaining the items which he has brought in for display; 23, Mr. Rosaire Sirois demonstrating the use of a sausage stuffing mill formerly used for making homemade boudin, a blood sausage; 24-25, Mr. Rosaire Sirois, who operates a small blade sharpening business, stands in front of his service truck in the Madawaska High School parking lot following his presentation; [26-36A, photographed by David Whitman, document the Acadian Supper sponsored by the Madawaska Town Council and held in the Saint David church basement in Saint David, Me. on the evening of 28 June 1991]; 26, three ladies from the volunteer staff gather supper plates to be served from the kitchen crew; 27, supper-goers enjoying meal; costumed diners are members of the "Acadian Singers," who provided a short concert during the meal; 28, volunteer hostess at the wine and cheese table; 29-31, supper-goers enjoying meal; costumed diners are members of the "Acadian Singers," who provided a short concert during the meal; 32, fieldworkers Lisa Ornstein and Ray Brassieur enjoying their suppers; 33-35, volunteer kitchen crew serving up supper plates; one lady is serving baked potatoes out of a large rectangular baking tin and pouring gravy over them; another lady is serving up cooked fiddle head ferns; 36, supper-goers enjoying meal; 36, volunteer staff gather meals to be served from the kitchen crew; 36A, supper-goers enjoying meal.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: LO-B003 Albert Michaud with bird houses at Village Acadien, Van Buren, Maine; two unidentified women, July, 1991
Photographer: Lisa Ornstein
Digital content available: afc1991029_lo_b003
15 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
Log missing
Call number: AFC 1991/029: RB-B001-61412 Framstead, Bridgewater, Maine; Log retaining wall, Violette Brook, Van Buren, Maine; St. Bruno Catholic Church and choir performance, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine, 1991
Photographer: Ray C. Brassieur
Digital content available: afc1991029_rb_b001_61412
37 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-4, Farmstead in Bridgewater, ME, with twin barn; 5-11, Saddle-notched log retaining wall on Violette Brook, Van Buren, ME; 12-15, Violette Brook, Van Buren; The following images document a visit to St. Bruno Catholic Church in Van Buren, ME, for a multi-choir concert held in honor of the centennial of the arrival of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (the Good Shepherd Sisters); 16, Statue of St. Bruno; 17-21, Various windows, from inside the church; 22, Map/key to quilt (see #23); 23, Quilt with sixty-four different squares, each done by a different family in St. Bruno parish; 24-25, Exterior of the church; 26, Choir performance, photographed from the back of the sanctuary; 27-33, Members of the congregation visit with the sisters after the concert; 34, Left to right: Jim Madore; one of the Good Shepherd Sisters; Marcella Belanger Violette; 35-36, Post-concert reception in the church basement; 37, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, ME.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: RB-B002-61420 Sirois and Duplessis family reunion banquet and dance, Acadian Festival parade, Madawaska, Maine, 1991
Photographer: Ray C. Brassieur
Digital content available: afc1991029_rb_b002_61420
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document the Sirois/Duplessis family reunion banquet/dance held at the Madawaska Multi-Purpose Building as part of the annual Acadian Festival; 1-20, There were a variety of awards/presentations, for oldest attendee, youngest attendee, etc.; 22-29, A dance followed the banquet, music by the Jerry T. Band; The following images document the parade held in Madawaska, ME, as part of the annual Acadian Festival; 30-31, Greater Little Miss Madawaska waves to the crowd; 32, A group of fairy tale characters; 33-34, Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles; 35, Various costumed cartoon characters; 36-36a, Foreground, stunt bicyclists; background, the Marching Owls, Madawaska High School Band.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: RB-B003-4022 Acadian Festival parade in Madawaska, Maine, 1991
Photographer: Ray C. Brassieur
Digital content available: afc1991029_rb_b003_4022
38 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document the parade held in Madawaska, ME, as part of the annual Acadian Festival; 0-1, Sirois/Duplessis family float; this was the family whose reunion was a feature event of this year's Acadian Festival; 2, Rosaire Sirois' truck; 3, Shop 'n' Save environmental banner; 4-6, Southern Victoria Pipe Band; 6-7, Majorettes encounter an apparently confused bicyclist; 8, Smokey the Bear; 9-11, Bouchard family reunion float; the Bouchard reunion was one of the features of last year's (1990) Acadian Festival; 12-14, One of several pop music bands which performed during the parade; 15-18, The Caribou Grizzlies; 19-20, Annah Temple Oriental Band; 21-24, Aroostook Family Farm Core float; 25, Potato-costumed marcher; 26-27, Aroostook Family Farm Core; 28, A marcher carries a potato basket; 29-35, The Keystone Kops; 36, A snowman in June; 37, Snowmobile club float.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: RB-B004-4046 Buildings and scenes, Eagle Lake, Maine; Gilman Caron home, Lavertu Settlement, Maine; Miscellaneous images, Fort Kent, Maine, 1991
Photographer: Ray C. Brassieur
Digital content available: afc1991029_rb_b004_4046
37 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes.; 1, Blank frame; 2, Defunct dairy bar, Eagle Lake; 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle graffiti, Eagle Lake; These images document a visit to the house of Gilman Caron in Lavertu Settlement, ME; 4-7, Pieces removed from the house during a remodeling; the tenon and wooden peg were commonly used in nineteenth century Acadian construction; 8-12, Exterior of Gilman Caron's house; the smaller section to the right and the covered porch represent later additions. The second floor door (#12) is a curiosity; apparently there used to be stairs on this side of the house; 13-14, Mr. Caron's garden, in which he plants a wide variety of vegetables and flowers; 15, Weathervane with a boat; 16, Caron poses with an old tractor which he is restoring; 17-21, Log platform which covers a spring cutlet on Caron's property; 22, Caron's tractor; 23, Overexposed image; Miscellaneous images; 24-25, Porsche with "PATATE" license plates at Doris' Cafe in Fort Kent, ME; potatoes are the primary crop in the study area (patate is Acadian French for potato); These images document a visit to Leona Cyr at La Maison Acadienne, a senior citizens' home in Madawaska, ME; 26-28, Ms. Cyr shows some of her weavings; 29-33, Some of Ms. Cyr's wor; 34, Sign at La Maison Acadienne.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: RB-B005 Farm buildings, Fort Kent, Maine; Tintamarre, Grand Riviere Festival, Native American Day at the Village Acadien, Van Buren, Maine; Home of Claude "Blackie" Cyr in Saint David, Maine, 1991
Photographer: Ray C. Brassieur
Digital content available: afc1991029_rb_b005
27 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
Miscellaneous scenes; 0, Building under construction on a farm on State Highway- 161 (Caribou Rd.) , Fort Kent, ME; we saw a number of farm buildings collapsing or being torn down, but this is one of the few we saw being erected; 1, Farmstead, eastern Fort Kent; 2-3, Collapsing twin barn, Highway 161, Fort Kent; 4-5, Participants in the Tintamarre at the annual Grande Riviere Festival in Van Bur en, ME. Groups from Van Bur en and St-Leonard, New Brunswick, met on the international bridge for a noisemaking. Here, participants gather in parking lots and on street corners in Van Buren prior to marching to the bridge; These images document Native American Day, an event held at the Village Acadien in Van Buren, ME, as part of the Grande Riviere Festival; 7-9, Spectators listen to presentations on various aspects of Native American culture. The tipi was erected especially for the event; 10, The parking lot was full; 11-12, Mic-Mac dancers circle the crowd; 13, Spectators join the dance; Various buildings and scenes; 14-15, Abandoned Frenchville Starch Factory, Frenchville; 16-18, Large produce warehouse called a potato house; these are generally located adjacent to a railroad line, and were used to store produce prior to shipping. Many of these in the study area are still standing but not currently in use; 19, Pickup truck with wooden potato barrels in the bed; these barrels were at one time widely used in the handharvesting of potatoes, but mechanical harvesting has rendered them obsolete. Some have been adapted to other purposes; 20, Gift shop at the Village Acadien These images document a visit to the Long Lake home of Claude "Blackie" Cyr in St. David, ME; 21-25, A collection of wooden figures carved by Cyr; 26-27, Statue of peg-legged sailor carved by Cyr.
Black-and-white prints
Items MAP-RB-B001 to MAP-RB-B005
Items MAP-HM-B001 to MAP-HM-B021
Items MAP-LO-B001 to MAP-LO-B003
Items MAP-DW-B001 to MAP-DW-B069
BOX 17 Contact sheets
Total of 97 contact sheets, comprising approximately 2,700 images, in a loose-leaf binder. (3 duplicate contact sheets are in folder number 68.) The contact sheets are available in the Folklife Reading Room.
BOX 18 Photographic prints
8 x 10 inch black-and-white photographic prints from field collection. 80 prints in a loose-leaf binder..
Series 4: Moving images
BOX 24 Videotapes
Items MAP-LO-V001 to MAP-LO-V004
Four videotapes from the Fort Kent Historical Society.
Item MAP-LO-V005
One videotape copy of the July 16, 1990, 30-minute production of the Chronicle television show, titled "The Main Streets and Back Roads of New England," showing the Upper St. John Valley and its history of the Acadian people and a look at their present-day descendents; discusses the struggle to keep their traditions alive.

Contents List